Endless Paradigm

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maybe a new general help forum as there is only a psp help sub forum
Liquid Wrote:I don't think wee have enough active members to warrant a classified section.

i would think the low number of active members would lend itself to being a bit more trustworthy among the regulars, also it wouldn't really take much at all to maintain it.

i don't mean to be pointlessly argumentative though heh, i just think it would be nice.
No, it's alright. I just don't know how useful that would be, and/or how many people would want it. Keep the suggestions coming though.
Liquid Wrote:I don't think wee have enough active members to warrant a classified section.
Yeah, probably not enough people yet...  But, just out of curiosity, how many members are actually looking to buy/sell stuff?  Personally, I'd think sites which specialize in buying/selling would be better.  For example, PSP-Hacks' forums' Buy & Sell section is kinda like a garbage heap...
the site is too international for hat
I like international
yes yes but it won't work if ur selling stuff , shipping etc
oh yeah, didn't even think of that

and i like international too yoyo!
I know... if the site keeps growig wee could get a good IRC??? who kows
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