Endless Paradigm

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eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]why did i open aspheric's spoiler


lool. I think wee all know the answer to that question

Aspheric's pics totally scared the spoon outta me too. The man needs to get bored less.
Oh Aspheric, you crazy cross dresser you. :D
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]why did i open aspheric's spoiler


Why not?  It's amusing...
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]why did i open aspheric's spoiler


Why not?  It's amusing...

I'm glad you find it amusing : >
I find him cute...
I like Aspheric's pics Hihi
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]I find him cute...

You are a guy right?

St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]I find him cute...

You are a guy right?


He is a guy

St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]I find him cute...

You are a guy right?


Yes. Haven't wee been over this?
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