Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Official Post Your Picture Thread!
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My stupid face on this stupid pic.. xD
[Image: DSC02983.jpg]
[Image: 15431_1287368712579_1481015663_813366_59125_n.jpg]

woo. snow for the win.

[Image: 15431_1287361912409_1481015663_813330_4320661_n.jpg]
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:My stupid face on this stupid pic.. xD
[Image: DSC02983.jpg]

im loving that PSP face plate man.
[Image: photoon20091214at21112.jpg]

Don't ask me what i was doing in that picture

I look like some emo with the black shirt :P; i DID have a beard before but i shaved it cause women supposedly don't like such manliness

lol jk, shaved cause i felt like it :P
ZOMG IZZ TETRIS!!!!!!!!!!! WooHero
boogschd Wrote:ZOMG IZZ TETRIS!!!!!!!!!!! WooHero

omg, you've seen my face!


meh, i just figured that with my facebook; almost anyone on the net could see my profile pic, so i was like "eh, why not"
Hello replica!
Grey Ghost Wrote:
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:My stupid face on this stupid pic.. xD
[Image: DSC02983.jpg]

im loving that PSP face plate man.
buy it on trademe :P
Heartless141 Wrote:
Grey Ghost Wrote:
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:My stupid face on this stupid pic.. xD
[Image: DSC02983.jpg]

im loving that PSP face plate man.
buy it on trademe :P

im sure he knew. >_>

Y'know sometimes you can be so heartless...

i don't get the joke but whatever o.O
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