Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Official Post Your Picture Thread!
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i see you squee!
updated 2 outdated photatoes
Substituted my 3 smaller pics for one close-up. Also, Zinga, you need to post your picture NOW!!
[Image: 1498140421_75aedaaff4.jpg?v=0]
diego, you havent posted your picture, and you dare to make zinga post his?
LOL I don't have a webcam, nor am I photogenic, I don't even have 1 picture of myself here.
Everyone has a picture of my big gob every time I post. :)
LOL that's you>???

why you chewing on some wires? why your lips red?

sorry im bored.
diego Wrote:LOL that's you>???

why you chewing on some wires? why your lips red?

sorry im bored.

bump on that question lol.

pretty good photography work though
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