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osnap1584 Wrote:Lelouch's mom didn't she thank C.C for her geass?

Marianne doesn't have a Geass... she's under the effect of one...
feinicks Wrote:
Kuu Wrote:Damn this close to the ends means they are going to leave every episode in a cliffhanger... Maybe I should wait till it finishes airing so I don't have to bare the torture of waiting a week per episode Nanana

my thoughts exactly. I saw the entire season 1 and 9 ep of season 2 in one watch over a weekend. This waiting is killing me. Especially since now, it ending... which is kinda sad! Sadist

But at least Setsuna and 00 are coming back ^_^
R2 EP 21 just released, grab it while its hot!

/downloading at 30KB/s

Sadcorner this may take a while...
streamed gonna download it now. Someone start a new thread. Episode 21 deserves its own.
(after like 4 hours downloading from got to go's torrents...) i just finished seeing it

This was (IMO) the greatest episode of the series, spoon was fudgeing epic WIN

my head could not stop exploding during the whole episode. there aren't many words to describe how much win there is in that episode.

Lelouch kills both Charles and Marianne after a meaningful talk and an attempt of making the ragnarok connection, which was going to fudge the psyche of the whole world, lelouch develops a stronger geass or something like that, the point is that now both eyes are geass and he is the new emperor and suzaku becoming his new knight
was gonna start one. Madwin
I finished downloading after streaming it. Deserves a 24 hour download or more if it has to. Episode is a must watch. Got all suspenseful with the last statement his geass and what?!?
Anyway you learn lots from this...
about Marianne's death, her geass which I wanted to learn about in the last episode, their plans and it leaves with a great twist
I seriously thought this was ending soon. But the way they left it, it looks like they just started. Wish it was like the episode where they mistakenly aired like 10 minutes of the following ep cause I cannot get enough. When R2 finishes I'm seriously watching this again like I did with the first season. Anyways this Episode was
It was a very nice Ep. Not as Epic as 19, but close. Marianne was useless by the looks of it! Awesome stuff though. I downloaded it 30 minutes after NightSpeed released it. Downloading Eclipse release after sometime!
Nah you can't compare the epicness of 19 and 21. It is simply through one's point of view. Both are EPIC but they are opposites. In 19 he lost everything he believes he is fighting for in almost a span of 1 episode. In this episode he obtains a stronger status, more power, and new reasons to fight. Actually I don't know what he's fighting for now. It's no longer a peaceful world built for Nunally but a world that still has a future and people are kind to their neighbors. I want to know who will Lelouch fight now? His step brother, the japanese, just too many twists here and there. Being a little too analytical about this.
At least one thing that I found humorous is that again they hinted to C.C.'s hidden feelings for Lelouch.  

21 was a very very good episode, agreed! He seemed a little eeevvviill though, as he was seated on the throne!
WOW. Just plain wow. Suzaku + Lelouch > all

There is just one thing I don't get:

He went through all that poo poo to keep the world as it is, yet at the end he uses his Geass again... I thought he would want to discard any more uses of his geass to control the world.
Because of that, as feinicks said, he seemed to evil, when he was fighting for a good cause..

But he might have some kind of plan, knowing Lelouch, that this is actually going to cause an end to Schneizel's plan, and make the world a better place ^_^
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