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Full Version: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion TempleT
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I just caught myself up all the way to episode 21 today. Was lagging a lot behind.

Code Geass still awesome it seems.

feinicks Wrote:
Kuu Wrote:Damn this close to the ends means they are going to leave every episode in a cliffhanger... Maybe I should wait till it finishes airing so I don't have to bare the torture of waiting a week per episode Nanana

my thoughts exactly. I saw the entire season 1 and 9 ep of season 2 in one watch over a weekend. This waiting is killing me. Especially since now, it ending... which is kinda sad! Sadist

I've been waiting for about 10+ weeks. I generally don't mind waiting, like you guys seem to a lot.

I'm generally an extremely impatient person... but I can say I'm extremely patient in this case?

I don't think there's a single anime for which I have kept perfectly up to date the whole way yet.
I don't understand.. this isn't the greatest series ever.. but it seems to hook every one who watches it!
feinicks Wrote:I don't understand.. this isn't the greatest series ever.. but it seems to hook every one who watches it!

Well, I like to finish the stuff I started watching already (Code Geass season 1).

But I'm not saying I'm watching this only for the purpose of finishing what I started. I do think it's a pretty good anime (« thus worth watching).
It's the plot twists. The plot twists keeps you glued to your .. TV? Monitor? Fansub?

And the strategies Lelouch uses keep me interested. He's like the best semi-evil character ever.
lelouch is not really evil, its just his way of doing things, anyway, i think its because of the plot twist.
ep 20,21 & 22 suck real bad -.- everything messed up but thanks haruhi ep 23 is quite good, so im looking forward to last ep. (should be tomorrow) i hope its end here lol
25 should be the end. The episodes you listed are actually some of the most epic eps. 23 was pretty slow imo. He's semi evil in a way his intentions aren't evil but his plans are twisted. 24 and 25 will be epic. He seems to be backed in a corner. He has to get through all those Knightmare frames and the freiyas. Can't wait.
today evening, it will be released to the net!
He's evil in the sense that he takes a path that he believes the end justifies the means.

But his intentions are still noble.
Just Saw 24 O_____O

Cornelia is alive, so is gilford (her knight), Nunally can see, Lelouch makes the *tought* impossible by canceling an already activated FLEIA, lelouch pwns schenizel by geassing him and diethard is dead
Like I said, unless you see some graphic, heads destroyed, guts ripped out death in an anime, chances are the person lived.
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