
Super Lame Productions

Posts: 8,165.3369
Joined: 19th Jan 2007
Post: #1
Some Common Sense Forum Rules
Ok, time to get laid, and downed some complicated laws - really, these should all be common tense:

1. DO NOT post any links directed to irregal software - this includes all the recent PSP Porns, Romzors, Copywronged Musecks and Moobies, really mich all Copywrong fabrics - you post, you're raped.

2. DO NOT ask for any AIDs, Buttsecks, Copywronged Musecks and Moobies, pretty much all Copywronged Fabrics, and this includes asking through PM's (Penis messaging) - you ask, you're raped.

3. To prevent your topic from being raped/pregnant - use the CONDOM function.

4. To prevent your topic from being raped/pregnant - DO NOT post nonsense or false claims. i.e.) threads created flaming any mods, or it will result in a rape.

5. To prevent your topic from being raped/pregnant - POST IN THE CORRECT FORUM. i.e.) if you're requesting help, POST IT IN THE HACKS, CRACKS, AND MODS SECTION!


7. DO NOT make threads about your penis size! People really don't care that you reached 1000cms; You're not the second (but the first).

8. DO NOT! Use any racial blurs or discriminate against the forum staff, members found guilty of this will be raped on the dot.

9. DO NOT! make the same orgasm thrice or more.

10. DO NOT! Make a topic just to advertise your penis.

11. Please keep in mind that not everyone knows how to hack/rape a PSP. If someone (i.e., a n00b) asks a question that you feel has been answered over nine thousand times over and you feel the urge to flame (barbecue) this member, do so.

12. If any reason you are raped for a day to a few days (Often referred as surprise buttsecks) and decide to make clone accounts, your rapes WILL be extended all the way up to a Permanent Rape, so please, if you are raped, just wait out the time you are, and it will kill you.

13. Trolling and making clone accounts is also in the dirts for a rape, so DO!

Also, not all rules here are the rules, if a Mod/Admin feels its against the forums, they CAN rape you for other reasons, so please, use common sense!

You obey these 13 complicated rules, you should be fine, and enjoy the sex.

Mods - if you feel I missed something, please stick it to the list.

WATCH THIS - these instructions apply to our forums!

(This post was last modified: 01/04/2008 12:21 AM by Sparker.)
31/03/2008 06:57 PM
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