It is great success that I present you with SchmilKeNBerrieS for the 4th and latest custom firmware 3.80m33. (look around and you will find the 3.40, 3.52 and 3.71 elsewhere so do not ask for conversions) ;)
All shadows of text have been centered
Battery bar does NOT blink when charging
One high res background in use via 01-12.bmp
Finally got the infobar fixed so without further hessitation..
PRX compressed for easy insertion into your fatty
Dummy dic and a few fonts included to save space if you need it. (I installed fine without deleting anything on my phat with NO 1.50kernel update)
limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 29/01/2008 01:43 PM by SchmilK.)
<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
cause I'm crazy, and i;m asian. but i can see where he got the "schmilken" part, but berries? it looks like a mac based theme. so i guess i doon't get where berries came from.
crazy-asian Wrote:cause I'm crazy, and i;m asian. but i can see where he got the "schmilken" part, but berries? it looks like a mac based theme. so i guess i doon't get where berries came from.
milk and berries ?
lol ... i don't think anybody cares what the theme is called anyways
crazy-asian Wrote:cause I'm crazy, and i;m asian. but i can see where he got the "schmilken" part, but berries? it looks like a mac based theme. so i guess i doon't get where berries came from.
The original theme for the psp was by djaart (actually an icon set from deviant) was called mac blueberries. so i mixed it up :)
I like picking names that have 0 results on google before release, then I can enjoy tracking its travels accross the www. :)
limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 01/02/2008 07:27 AM by SchmilK.)