Seplugins Manager 1.3_1 by 5h4d0w
Tested on 5.00 M33, 5.03 GEN, 5.50 GEN, 6.20 TN and 6.35 PRO (6.20 TN has no revocery menu).
You can enable and disable plugins without a computer.
Works on PSP GOs, and can force loading from "ms0:/" instead of "ef0:/" (the internal storage).
Can add, edit, remove, toggle, copy/paste, and move plugins in all three .txt files.
Adding a plugin is as easy as browsing for the file.
Only loads from .txt files that exist. If they don't exist, it creates them for you.
You can revert your changes by pressing [SELECT].
Gives the option to auto-exit from the app once you save your changes.
1.3 Changelog
Now includes a file browser for selecting a plugin to add. No more typing out the path to the plugin
+ Shows a device chooser on PSP GOs if there is a memory stick inserted (ef0 or ms0)
+ You can only select a ".prx" file to add
~ The controls are pretty simple, up/down to scroll through items, cross to select an item, and circle to close the browser
There is now a confirmation on plugin removal
1.31 Changelog
Quick bugfix (may fix the PSP GO browser issue)
People with GOs should re-download v1.3 (v1.3_1) if they already have. Anyone else should be fine with the old v1.3.
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