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halo reach help!?!
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J'adore le paissons
~The IRISH ex-Mod~

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Post: #1
halo reach help!?!
Hey guys,
So I had a 48 hour trial of gold to play the halo reach beta but that is out in about an hours time so can anyone with a spare 48 hours PM me a code please? I'll pay epigs for it or something I just really don't want to stop playing reach yet! Thanks a million times to anyone that can help me out XD
Also Reach is deadly is anyone here playing it and if you are what your gamer tag thingy??

[Image: 34f0juc.png]
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Spoiler for jimi hendrix:
[Image: 5nox36.jpg]
05/05/2010 05:27 AM
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Able One

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Post: #2
RE: halo reach help!?!
i sent one to you
05/05/2010 08:44 PM
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