1 of the greatest psp app ever. (ohh and feel free to rep me LOL)
fixed a bug that did not allow the exact calculation of the size of the directory
Audio player
fixed a bug in the audio player
fixed a bug when you start the UMD device.
added a feature to play in background mode by pressing square key.
added a feature to draw tag text in UTF-8 / EUC-JP mode.
added the duration of playing an audio file player
added a feature to scroll drawing a long tag text.
Picture viewer.
added a feature to mark/unmark by pressing circle + square key.
Necro may refer to:
* necro-, the Greek prefix meaning death
Bot or BOT or similar may refer to:
* Internet bot, computer program which does automated tasks
* Botnet, network of "zombie" computers used to carry out automated tasks such as spamming
03/02/2010 03:08 PM
Grey Ghost
Still kicking!
Posts: 3,997.2121 Threads: 112
Joined: 26th May 2009
Reputation: -5.01013 E-Pigs: 161.5986
Hey guys i have a serious question.
Does it freeze when you press the start button to change the devise to flashes or ram disk ?
This happens in version 6.6.
I was born with a d*ck in my brain, yeah ,f*cked in the head
Phat PSP 1004 TA-079 v3 + Sony 16GB Mark II + tiltFX with 6.60 ME 1.6 + leda 0.2 Phat PS3 CECHG04 40GB (750GB int. + 500GB ext.) with REBUG 3.55.2 OTHEROS++ iPhone 3G 8GB jailbroken with iOS 4.2.1 PS2 Slim model SCPH-75004 + Free McBoot 1.8b + uLaunchELF v4.42 + ESR beta r9b
nickxab Wrote:Hey guys i have a serious question.
Does it freeze when you press the start button to change the devise to flashes or ram disk ?
This happens in version 6.6.