Hey i was just wondering what plugins you guys use.
im currently using all these ones on my PSP 1000 (firmware 5.00mm-6):
-Custom firmware extender 2.2: lets your take screen shots, listen to music in games etc (need some help though what's the best version for a PSP 1000? the latest version is designed for slim and won't work for me )
-Hold v4
-Dayviewer beta 3
-games categories v4
-PSP power saver
-Slim colors patch
-HUD v2.02
yea im interested to see what the rest of you use and if there are any more good ones you can recommend.
(This post was last modified: 07/09/2009 09:45 PM by Grey Ghost.)
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(This post was last modified: 07/09/2009 09:56 PM by Gadget.)
07/09/2009 09:51 PM
Able One
Posts: 141.8580 Threads: 6
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Grey Ghost Wrote:what do the hidder.prx, pct2.prx and rco_patcher do?
"Preview Contents Hidder, plugin that allows you to not see the files in the XMB ICON0.PNG, ICON1.PMF, PIC0.PNG, PIC1.PNG and SND0.AT3 of UMD, ISO, Homebrew and saves the order to speed up loading the dashboard."
Screenshot plugin
"You activate it, create a folder at memorystick root called "RCOS", and hope that next boot it'll redirect all RCO reading from that folder (Don't worry, if file doesn't exit it will load from flash0 ;))"
Good to use with XMB RCO Patcher BETA 1 to change waves and so on.