It's a big day for any kid to be getting a gaming platform. For Eliso Tovar of Florida, the big day came as a late Christmas present - his mom took him to a Wal-Mart in Manatee County to get a brand new PSP! All was okay, until he boots it up for the first time and finds a naked woman on the screen. Afraid of getting grounded, he ran to his mom, who found yet more hershey kisses in the memory card.
The mom, Tamatha, said she found a memory card inside the PSP packed full of pornographic pictures. She said it wasn't hers and it was already in the PSP before she opened the box. She then called the store and spoke to a manager about the situation. "I explained the situation and his response was, 'well, bring the machine down and wee'll let your son pick out a new game,'" she said. "And I was like, no I don't think you heard what I said."
A Wal-Mart spokesperson expressed the company's concern over the problem and said that they're now looking into what happened. Tamatha says she wants a new PSP and an apology.
Really concerning news. It's bad enough that six year olds get exposed to hershey kisses, but the thought of getting a brand new PSP and getting a used one is just plain wrong.
RE: Six Year Old Finds hershey kisses In His New PSP
SchmilK Wrote:
whjms Wrote:the thought of getting a brand new PSP and getting a used one is just plain wrong.
The thought of getting a Christmas present in April is very sad as well :( Poor kid...
lol yeah that's what i was thinking
<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
14/04/2009 02:30 PM
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