So I made some games in Game Maker 6.1 years ago and shared them here on E.P via an external hosting service when they later disappeared into obscurity. But after updating them and converting them to run in modern Windows. I am giving them a second chance to live (but I'm honestly hoping they'll die again.)
At over 20MB, it is too big for the forum's attachment system (if I remember correctly) so I'm hosting on Send Space. (Where they have a chance of dying again, I hope.)
(Oh ho! So I can fit it into the attachment system it looks like.)
Check the attachment in this post below for download.
Okay I actually bothered to fix some of the bugs that I've mentioned below. Be sure to re-download the collection from the link in the first post.
I actually found a rare soft lock in the Danmaku game and I know the cause of it. I might get around to fixing sometime when (or if ever) I can be bothered. But basically the end of level score wouldn't appear thus preventing the next level from loading.
On the topic of difficulty, I remember I balanced it around the game lagging (It was made on a pentium 4 or something similar if I recall correctly.) and this became a bigger issue on the final level where I just didn't really give a poo poo and just wanted to be done with the game. But strangely when I revisited the game, I still didn't find it all that hard without the lag due to playing on a more powerful system (core i7), but I still lowered the difficulty in a few places and managed to beat the game in hard difficulty, thou I had the default lives upped to 5 and had to use a credit during the true final stage. Edit: Should mention when I was tested the game on easy and normal, I found myself flooded with lives to a point where I decided to remove one of the conditions to getting a 1up.
Another issue, is that with Moron 3, you can't quit the game from the title screen as I wanted to implement esc as a pause button of a sorts and kinda forgot about putting a quit function at the title. Just start a new game then quit. Another issue that I forgot to address is that the game over music continues into the title, this is not an issue in moron 2 as the intro music will stop the game over music from playing.
Spoiler for Oh, and I was being cryptic about it in the hint text file but the moron 3 cheat is...:
The Konami code, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A... with space bar replacing where start would be pressed in the code.
(11/05/2022 06:06 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: What sort of stuff do you make nowadays?
Nothing of note.
(This post was last modified: 25/05/2022 06:51 PM by Sparker.)
25/05/2022 01:44 PM
Super Lame Productions
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Okay looks like I can use the attachment system to host this game. I don't plan on taking it down from there.
For whatever reason if the download doesn't work or something I created a new sendspace link anyway.