Samsung Shares Rejected Evidence to Public in Apple v Samsung case
Anyone who's been following the Apple vs Samsung court case in the US knows that the judge, Lucy Koh, is either being paid by Apple or just a massive c**t. Apple seems to own the USA side while other parts in the world it's been a even give and take battle.
Regardless, Samsung attempted to use evidence in court to prove that they have been using 'iPhone designs' prior to the iPhones existence. When Judge said they couldn't use it, Samsung's lead lawyer decided to leak the document out to the public:
By bringing the exiled evidence into the Public eye, Samsung angered Lucy Koh. Maybe because it's blatant evidence against Apple? Who knows.
Spoiler for Samsung Lead Counsel Statement:
On July 31, 2012, I approved and authorized the release of a brief statement—it was not a general press release—and proposed trial demonstrative exhibits. This followed multiple requests from members of the media seeking further explanation—including requesting the demonstrative exhibits at issue—as to the basis for Samsung’s claims, made in open court and in its public trial brief, that it had the right to present evidence that the iPhone was inspired by “Sony style” and that Samsung had independently created the design for the F700 phone—that was alleged in Apple’s opening statement to be an iPhone copy—in 2006, well before the announcement of the iPhone.
A true and correct copy of a sample of the press inquiries seeking precisely the information that was provided—including requesting the trial demonstrative exhibits at issue—is attached as Exhibit A.
Contrary to the representations Apple’s counsel made to this Court, Samsung did not issue a general press release and more importantly, did not violate any Court Order or any legal or ethical standards. These false representations by Apple’s counsel publicly and unfairly called my personal reputation into question and have resulted in media reports likewise falsely impugning me personally.
As this Court has acknowledged, this is a case with genuine and substantial commercial and public interest and with enormous potential commercial impact. The media has been reporting in salacious detail Apple’s allegations of Samsung’s supposed “copying”, causing injury to Samsung’s public reputation as a company. Moreover, Apple’s baseless and public assertions that Samsung’s transmission to the media of public information constituted contempt of court and that these actions were intended to pollute the jury were themselves glaring falsehoods, highlighting why Samsung has every right to defend itself in the public domain from unfair and malicious attacks.
Samsung’s brief statement and transmission of public materials in response to media inquiries was lawful, ethical, and fully consistent with the relevant California Rules of Professional Responsibility (incorporated by N.D. Cal. Civil Local Rule 11-4) and legal authorities regarding attorneys’ communications with the press. California Rule of Professional Responsibility 5-120(B)(2) specifically permits attorneys involved in litigation to disclose “information in a public record.” As shown above, all of the information disclosed was contained in public records.
RE: Samsung Shares Rejected Evidence to Public in Apple v Samsung case
(01/08/2012 07:11 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: Apparently the evidence was submitted after the due date, so it's fair that it was rejected.
I'm not sure why this angered the judge.
So evidence like this can be ignored, even if it contains information that's pretty important to the case?
I guess I'll never understand the legal system.
01/08/2012 11:52 PM
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RE: Samsung Shares Rejected Evidence to Public in Apple v Samsung case
For complex legal issues like this one, evidence typically needs to be presented months ahead of the trial to allow for both parties to study it and prepare responses.
That's what I've read anyway. It's not like this is particularly hot off the press, so one would think that Samsung should've submitted it before - a failing on their part really.
Maybe the judge is angry because Samsung are essentially trying to use this as an avenue for an appeal.
01/08/2012 11:55 PM
random one
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RE: Samsung Shares Rejected Evidence to Public in Apple v Samsung case
(01/08/2012 11:55 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: For complex legal issues like this one, evidence typically needs to be presented months ahead of the trial to allow for both parties to study it and prepare responses.
That's what I've read anyway. It's not like this is particularly hot off the press, so one would think that Samsung should've submitted it before - a failing on their part really.
Maybe the judge is angry because Samsung are essentially trying to use this as an avenue for an appeal.
I thought there was an issue with releasing evidence publicly too. I'm under the impression that any evidence submitted in court needs to be kept private, making realising documents to the public a brave move.
Again, Apple are acting like spoiled c**ts, really pee's me off when a company is so full of it's self.
(01/08/2012 11:55 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: For complex legal issues like this one, evidence typically needs to be presented months ahead of the trial to allow for both parties to study it and prepare responses.
That's what I've read anyway. It's not like this is particularly hot off the press, so one would think that Samsung should've submitted it before - a failing on their part really.
Maybe the judge is angry because Samsung are essentially trying to use this as an avenue for an appeal.
I thought there was an issue with releasing evidence publicly too. I'm under the impression that any evidence submitted in court needs to be kept private, making realising documents to the public a brave move.
Again, Apple are acting like spoiled c**ts, really pee's me off when a company is so full of it's self.
It's technically not evidence since the judge didn't allow it to be used, hence it's not part of the case really.
Because Samsung 'leaked' evidence, Apple wants a default win.
RE: Samsung Shares Rejected Evidence to Public in Apple v Samsung case
Well, it's obvious why this evidence is dismissed. Apple has evidence of Samsung creating a time machine and time-travelling to 2007-era Cupertino, posing as Apple employees, sneaking into Apple's R&D department, and stealing designs. There's simply no way that a company could design a phone so similar to the iPhone unless they copied it from the future.
(This post was last modified: 02/08/2012 12:30 PM by whjms.)
RE: Samsung Shares Rejected Evidence to Public in Apple v Samsung case
Thing is, that last Samsung design wasn't implemented, so a lawyer can question it's genuineness. However, I don't see any reason for the judge to be angered, as it is Samsung's own document and it's for them to decide whether they release it to the public or not. The judge has no power here.
02/08/2012 01:31 PM
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