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HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
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HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
Many of you probably have heard about it already, HP ditching WebOS that is.
Went on sale here in Australia at Harvey Norman, and pretty much sold out in minutes. (was also seen on eBay hours later, selling for $250)
Maybe if you're lucky, you can pick one up for the price.

Quote:News is spreading quickly online that HP is going to clear out the vast TouchPad inventory by dropping the price to an offer you can't refuse. Rumor has it that beginning tomorrow the 16Gb TouchPad will be $99, and the 32Gb TouchPad will be a measly $149.


HP learned that lesson the hard way, and quickly pulled the plug on its tablet--and its entire WebOS mobile ecosystem for that matter. Truth be told, for HP to go so quickly from grandiose claims of changing the tablet landscape to shutting down the whole operation really just illustrates that HP never had a solid tablet or mobile strategy and that it was really just looking for an excuse to get out.

Even when HP started slashing prices and the TouchPad was supposedly selling for $300 at Staples a couple weeks ago, it was still questionable. Now that HP pulled the plug entirely on WebOS and the TouchPad, you'd have to be crazy to get one, right?

Well, no. Not really. It is actually a fairly capable tablet. It's just not an iPad 2. Starting this weekend, HP is supposed to fire sale the remaining inventory at $99. For $500 it was a joke. For $300 it was still a shady deal. For $99 it's a 'borrow'.
- Source: [PCWorld]

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(This post was last modified: 22/08/2011 03:26 AM by ZiNgA BuRgA.)
22/08/2011 03:26 AM
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Post: #2
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
If anyone can get me one from bestbuy and ship it to me I'd be so happy.

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22/08/2011 06:05 AM
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Post: #3
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
Will be a cult item, even though I've heard it's sinfully slow.

So much so, WebOS runs faster on an iPad 2 than the TouchPad itself.

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(This post was last modified: 22/08/2011 06:25 AM by ProperBritish.)
22/08/2011 06:25 AM
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Post: #4
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
i had nvr bought nay HP stuff,.. so i guess i might be missing out,.. i had fancy the Galaxy pad ;p


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22/08/2011 06:35 AM
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Post: #5
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
From the guys I know who bought one

-very slow response
-touching response is terrible
-battery life is terrible
-size is thicker and heavier than ipad, so why so slow and lame battery?
-apps are very limited and poorly executed
-overclocking the cpu = touch response WAY 'touch in the bottom left corner, get response from the center' type of off..

If they don't get android running on it, its a huge waste because you are limited to whatever apps are available today..which I hear are also pretty bad.  :-/

But its real hard not to  think that for $99 it might be a good deal.

I also heard that after the onslaught of sell outs everywhere, HP is discontinuing its desktop and laptop line to liquidate for $199 and $299 in hopes to increase their market share.

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22/08/2011 07:19 AM
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Post: #6
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
Apparently it's more the software than the hardware that's poo poo.

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22/08/2011 07:30 AM
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Post: #7
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
^ well if that's true then buy it and wait for the devs to make it boot android/linux distro? 8D

Schmilk: nonsense, android has great apps. I prefer having this over iPoop anyday <3

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22/08/2011 08:00 AM
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Grand Warlock

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Post: #8
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
also if i remember this was on engadget 2 days ago and hp was out of stock on their site.

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22/08/2011 08:28 AM
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Post: #9
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
Other than lacking apps webOS is meant to be excellent.
(This post was last modified: 22/08/2011 08:32 AM by S7*.)
22/08/2011 08:32 AM
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Post: #10
RE: HP Ditching Touchpad, on sale for $99 (16GB) or $149 (32GB)
assuming Android get ported to it, which lots of people are threating to, this could be a BARGAIN

22/08/2011 09:04 AM
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