[Tutorial] How to Dump Your ISO's From UMD Very Fast
This method is using boosters USB Special System Storage application. It enables your pc to read the contents of a umd, so you can just drag and drop the iso to your desktop, like you would do with your memorystick. It only takes like 10 mins if at all.
With this, i cannot see why anyone would even try use another dumper. Its just a waste of time.
Download the attachment below, its USB Special System Storage.
Install to memorystick like any other homebrew, put in the GAME folder for a 1.5 user or the GAME150 folder for an oe user.
Open up USBsss from game menu, you will be presented by a menu with five options, each of which will give you access to UMD or the rest of the flash through usb. Wee want access to umd so select the first one by pressing O(Virtual FAT16 . UMD ISO-9300) and make sure usb is connected to psp.
So after you pressed O, a "Removable Disk" window will pop up on your pc. Look at it and you will see your UMD located in there named (UMD9660.ISO). Just Drag and Drop it to your desktop. It will then proceed on dumping the umd to your desktop. It should only take about 10 minutes.
Once finishing press X in the app to disconnect usb connectivity and then exit. You will now have a fully dumped iso on your desktop and it only took like a third of the time. Just rename it and put it in your archive with the rest of your iso's or into ms0:\ISO to play with using Devhook or Open Edition
(This post was last modified: 24/02/2007 06:44 PM by Calo.)
RE: [Tutorial] How to Dump Your ISO's From UMD Very Fast
yes, anyhow i got a site, and i don't really like updating things like that, not to good at it, so not really interested, plus as it stands my time gets eaten up.
on my site i just post good news(downgraders,custom firmware, devhook, plus i try to keep people informed on what's going on in plain english like a summary). so its not to hard to keep up with it, but i use static html so if i want to change a main feature, i have to go through like 30 pages which takes up time and annoying, i have a html builder which is nice though and its freeware.
thanks for postnuke, i may use that in the near future, i think joomla is nearly the same.
23/02/2007 02:29 PM
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