[Tutorial] Downgrading from Firmware 6.3X to Firmware 6.20
Because some guys asked me about a TUT how to Downgrade from Fw 6.3x, I made one.
Works on PSP 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 (newer 3000) or PSPgo!
You can downgrade with this downgrader from Firmware 6.39 to Firmware 6.20. From Firmware 6.38 to Firmware 6.20. From Firmware 6.35 to Firmware 6.20. And from Firmware 6.31 to Firmware 6.20.
Nothing is easier than identifying your PSP's model:
1) Download PSP Module Checker v1.0 *SIGNED*
2) copy the extracted folder to PSP/GAME
3) Launch PSP Module Checker 1.0 via GAME » Memory Stick.
4) Now you'll see your PSP's model.
I tested it by myself on a PSPgo with Datecode 9C and Firmware 6.38 ;=).
2.Ms0: (ef0:-) / PSP / GAME / copy the Downgrader to this folder.
Ms0: (ef0:-) / PSP / GAME / UPDATE / copy the official Firmware 6.20/6.35 Updater (EBOOT.PBP) for PSP 1000/2000/3000/40000 or PSPgo to this folder.
If you have anything lower than an 07g place the 6.20 update in PSP/GAME/UPDATE. [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]If you have an 07g or an 09g, place the 6.35 update in PSP/GAME/UPDATE.[/COLOR]
3.It should look like this:
4.Launch the Downgrader from your XMB.
5.Press X to start the SCE Updater. (PSPgo Users: Press "X" twice)
6.The 6.20 updater will appear, update as always.
7.Now a BSOD ("Blue Screen of Death") will appear:
8.Press O to solve the problem and you're done.
Did you get a white screen?
Press Start + Select + Triangle + Square while your PSP boots up!
Updater problems?
Hummm...did you get this screen?
It looks like your Updater eboot is not valid. ReDownload it!
RE: [Tutorial] Downgrading from Firmware 6.3X to Firmware 6.20
Well, it should. Because who knows what dipshіt will try it a few months from now on a newer motherboard causing it to brick. There should always be a defined limit.
For instance if it's identified as newer than 09g (or it can't be identified) then it should return an error of some sort, or at least exit without making any alteration.
(This post was last modified: 23/05/2011 11:58 AM by DSpider.)