If you've made it this far, you, like us, are looking to remember (or not) the Royal Wedding as a truly messy occassion. The only things required are something to drink and a jug that shall be known as "The Future Kings Cup" the use of this will become clear later, although I'm sure the more experienced amongst you will be aware of its purpose. The rules are as follows (they may ocassionally enconter something of a restructuring to make them more intelligble or generally better), although as it stands they are incomplete, which means I need your suggestions to make this the best damn day it can be...
1. If the Queen is on the screen you must be drinking. The woman has ruled the country for over 50 years, the least you can do is get destroyed in her honour.
2. Any time Prince Harry appears all players must produce a Nazi salute. The last player to do so must consume 5 fingers/mouthfuls for their poor reactions.
3. If Elton John is spotted the last person to shout "Candle in the Wind" must drink 5.
4. Any time time paralells are drawn to the Diana and Charles wedding (or any previous Royal Wedding for that matter), by commentators or otherwise, all players must consume 3 fingers/mouthfuls of their drink.
5.Wee're British (or shall assume the role for the day), which means wee're a simple folk who enjoy comforts such as bacon and beer. With this in mind then, what better way to greet our anthem than with a hearty chug. As a result when the National Anthem is playing, everyone must be stood up and drinking. (Cheers to Will Sugg for inspiring this rule)
6.William will one day become king of this fine country, a fact that needs to be celebrated no? Every time the word "future" is said, in the mentioned context or not, an amount no less than 1 finger must be added to the "Future Kings Cup" by any player. This should then go in a clockwise direction from the first player to do so everytime future is mentioned, to ensure the cup has a good mix of drinks.
(Cheers to Sam Baggot for inspiring this rule)
7. And following on from Rule 6, The last person to shout "God save the future King!" upon the proclamation of "I now pronounce you man and wife" has to down the Future King's Cup. I fear for those that are last here, I really do.
(Cheers to pocky Sharp for inspiring this rule)
8. Prince Phillip has found a warm place in many of our hearts, his "Racist Grandad" appeal simply too hard too dislike. As a result, whenever he is shown independant of the Queen (to avoid complications with rule 1), the last player to shout "Bloody Foreigners" must drink 3 fingers. Penalties can be awarded for anyone who makes no attempt to imitate his accent.
9. Prime Ministers never tend to be popular, but our current one is hated even by those standards. So to allow you all to "stick it to da man" whenever our fearless leader David Cameron appears on screen, the first player to shout "Chocolate Cake" (substitute for a less offensive word if necessary) is allowed to come up with a rule of their own. Enjoy your one chance at tyranny!
10.Whenever the union flag appears on screen, the first to shout "rule brittania" is bestowed with the honor of delegating four measures however they see fit, one for each nation of the UK. This can either be to single player, or spread amongst them. Make sure our great flag is honoured with the drinking it deserves!
There wee have it then, the 10 rules for what could be the least remembered Royal Wedding in history. It's been emotional!
i don't like drinking games, i thought i'd post this for the lulz
Spoiler for More sigs:
(This post was last modified: 28/04/2011 12:19 PM by ProperBritish.)
seriously - does anyone actually expect this to be something special? people seem to forget the royals part in our history about 500 years ago or so. now as people they might be ok but there filthy stinking rich out of the peoples pockets - were suffering and there getting a wedding that anyone would be envious off. its ridiculous that its going to be shoved down our neck whether wee want it or not, and they are no different to any one of us apart from the money. i won't watch a rich fools wedding, so i won't be watching this one. im probably alone in my opinion of the royals but then im scottish and wee have history.
for those who do want to watch it - i hope you enjoy it as much as your expecting.
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28/04/2011 01:10 PM
I'm No Longer Here...
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I'll be asleep. And if by some odd chance I'm not, I'll find something else to watch, or find something to play, or actually go to sleep, or do anything BUT watch this.