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Moze Red Theme
for 6.20/6.35/6.37
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Able One

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Post: #21
RE: Moze Red Theme

PS2™ Slim 9004 Data Code 8C + CHiP MATRIX INFINITY.
PSP® Slim & Lite 2004 TA-85v2 Data Code 8A with CFW 6.35 CUSTOM-21.
[Image: pspart1ym7.png][Image: giffffffjn1.gif][Image: pspart3eq2.png]
18/03/2011 08:46 AM
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Post: #22
RE: Moze Red Theme
since the 6.35 v2 is buggy (random missing icon)
so i tried to convert V1's 620 v2b version to 6.35 using patpat's CTFGUITool v5 beta and it worked well,,, no random missing icon anymore
by the way the gameboot is played twice (the slashing animation),, is it supposed to be like that or not?

thanks for this theme (and wallpaper also)
I'm currently searching for themes that can change game categories light's folder icon, and this one works well
many themes have custom folder icon but somehow the game categories' folder icon isn't affected, i wonder why X_X

(This post was last modified: 19/03/2011 10:17 PM by eznoir.)
19/03/2011 10:16 PM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #23
RE: Moze Red Theme
Cool theme. Thanks!
20/03/2011 05:26 AM
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Existential Entity

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Post: #24
RE: Moze Red Theme
I've converted the fixed 6.20 theme to 6.35 using patpat's tool. I also took the liberty to shorten the gameboot so that it won't play twice.

Additionally, I made another version of this theme with a nice-looking gameboot from theme called "Alternative XMB v4"..... I prefer this cause the blood and splatter gameboot doesn't really suit such a cool and cute theme like this. :D

Attached File(s)
.zip  Moze Red 6.35 v2c (Size: 1.54 MB / Downloads: 319)
.zip  Moze Red 6.35 (Size: 1.71 MB / Downloads: 297)
23/03/2011 07:44 AM
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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Post: #25
RE: Moze Red Theme
i think i need a x100 glasses to see the time there ..!! xD
but to be honest with you, its a kick a55 there
24/03/2011 11:15 AM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #26
RE: Moze Red Theme
Great stuff!!!
25/03/2011 05:05 AM
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Too Young To Care

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Post: #27
RE: Moze Red Theme
any chance of a 6.38 conversion?

[Image: A73TX.png]
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19/04/2011 01:57 PM
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Paradigmatic Entity

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Post: #28
RE: Moze Red Theme
Great theme dude! I've been gone awhile. coming back and finding all these new themes and a new TN hen makes me real happyWonderful
21/04/2011 12:47 AM
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Able One

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Post: #29
RE: Moze Red Theme
Nice, only thing is i only use themes w normal font, or browser makes all web pages messed up :(

21/04/2011 06:57 AM
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Pothead 1.1
Neophitic Presence

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Post: #30
RE: Moze Red Theme
Nice, clean cut theme. I like using it on my little nephew's PSP. Couple questions though.

1. I think the volume bar would look better on the right side since it clashes with where the top menu icon is. Just a suggestion.

2. Plus, the theme doesn't seem to have icons for the UMD or the UMD Update.

Once again though. It's def a great looking theme.
23/04/2011 05:44 PM
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