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RE: What stereotype are you?
(08/02/2011 11:41 PM)boogschd Wrote: (08/02/2011 11:11 PM)xero1 Wrote: (08/02/2011 10:48 PM)Sparker Wrote: I can't see myself as a nerd.
Do you like computer, video games, anime, RPGs over FPSs, and/or read a lot? Are you smart and socially handicapped?
If yes, guess what?
i like computer video games fps and i read a lot.
they say im smart (thoughi admit really lazy) .. not much socially handicapped
what does that make me? :/
The term nerd has expanded over the years, I would say your an artsy nerd.
(09/02/2011 02:29 AM)Sparker Wrote: (09/02/2011 12:01 AM)Sparker Wrote: (08/02/2011 11:11 PM)xero1 Wrote: (08/02/2011 10:48 PM)Sparker Wrote: I can't see myself as a nerd.
Do you like computer, video games, anime, RPGs over FPSs, and/or read a lot? Are you smart and socially handicapped?
If yes, guess what?
Oh, I saw nerds as highly intellgent all knowing people. Otherwise yes to all of those.
Also I don't wear glasses, have freckles, braces, a huge mole on my face and a strange way of talking.
Your thinking of a 80's nerd, like from the movie nerds. They are a dieing bread now a days. Your the new bread of nerd.
(09/02/2011 05:30 AM)supermar26 Wrote: A believer!!!
You know what the problem is with being a believer?
Believers, have a bad habit of believing.
09/02/2011 06:21 AM |
Super Lame Productions
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RE: What stereotype are you?
I kinda though what I mentioned before was what people still stereotyped nerds as looking like.
09/02/2011 10:20 PM |
Hey poor player!
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RE: What stereotype are you?
(08/02/2011 10:24 PM)eKusoshisut0 Wrote: (08/02/2011 10:17 PM)Wolkenritter Wrote: (08/02/2011 09:37 PM)xero1 Wrote: (08/02/2011 09:27 PM)Wolkenritter Wrote: Geek. Come on, I play pen and paper RPGs and several roguelikes and dungeon crawlers. That would automatically mean that I'm a geek.
PS: Sparker is a nerd. NEERRRDDD
So you call yourself a geek, because geek = nerd²?
There's a distinct difference between geeks and nerds.
HUH.?! You'll have to explain that one
Here's one way of explaining it
10/02/2011 04:34 AM |