(02/01/2011 12:25 PM)1-R Wrote: was playing monsters inc. , childhood memories and all~ o3o'
I remember playing the GBA one at a friends place 8 years ago, then when I got my full (at the time) GBA romset around 4 years ago I thought it wasn't that great.
(13/01/2011 07:36 AM)lembas Wrote: oh alright. Depending on what you do (and what difficulty you're playing on), probably another 5-10 hours left.
Plan on going back and doing more of the side missions though, so probably a bit longer.
(this isn't much of a spoiler, but I know if someone told me, I'd be mad lol.)
Spoiler for potential spoilers (using the spoiler tags for what they were made for! lol):
After Virmire, you have to go straight to the Citadel. After you get off the Citadel, you're free to roam around, but do everything you want to do before you go to Ilos; landing on Ilos is the point of no return.
I'm gay.
Spoiler for online game stuff:
3DS FC: 4184-1632-9353
In the words of the wise trademark91:
13/01/2011 07:51 AM
Super Lame Productions
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I don't really consider VNs as games even if they're release on video game consoles. They barely have any interactivity which is on the same level as those choose your own adventure books.