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UK authority's ban manhunt 2
Oh Noes my spleen
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J'adore le paissons
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Post: #21
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
LOL ^^^
poor rockstar!!!! :(

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21/06/2007 04:47 AM
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Post: #22
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
well if youg kids say less than 10 maybe 7 or 8 get hold of such a game it could be a problem n influence them
but i feel video games r getting more liberal
in 1992 mk was rated ao (although i never played it as im only 16)
but today games 10 times as violent r not give ao ratings

21/06/2007 10:20 AM
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Post: #23
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
civilization as a whole is on the way out when raising children is left up to the government and not the parents. but then, who really trusts parents to raise their kids well? this is an issue everywhere, but especially so in the usa.
Double post
and zinga, i agree with you about education. in the usa at least, everything is so bureaucratically mucked up (especially the school system) that kids today aren't taught anything near 'learn because not being an idiot is much more fun', they are taught much closer to 'just do it this way, get it done, and that person won't bitch at you, and you can go back to doing what you want'.
the teachers who have to adhere to their strict time schedules so they can fit in everything an SOL (standard of learning test, the 'charter' of the public school system) tells them they have to fit in, and the teachers hate these SOL's guiding how they teach the kids but they have to do it. the kids they're teaching, of course, can feel how ground down the teachers are, and they learn the handle things in the same way, ie 'just get it done, don't bitch, don't think about it'

there are always exceptions to rules, but i definitely think wee are on the downward slope now.

aren't i a barrel full of fudgeing sunshine
21/06/2007 11:21 AM
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Alfa Walrus

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Post: #24
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
don't let them let you down rockstar
your games are precious
so keep it up with the good work
ha, and carefull with little kids that play their games
21/06/2007 05:06 PM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #25
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
eggroll Wrote:and zinga, i agree with you about education. in the usa at least, everything is so bureaucratically mucked up (especially the school system) that kids today aren't taught anything near 'learn because not being an idiot is much more fun', they are taught much closer to 'just do it this way, get it done, and that person won't bitch at you, and you can go back to doing what you want'.
the teachers who have to adhere to their strict time schedules so they can fit in everything an SOL (standard of learning test, the 'charter' of the public school system) tells them they have to fit in, and the teachers hate these SOL's guiding how they teach the kids but they have to do it. the kids they're teaching, of course, can feel how ground down the teachers are, and they learn the handle things in the same way, ie 'just get it done, don't bitch, don't think about it'

there are always exceptions to rules, but i definitely think wee are on the downward slope now.

aren't i a barrel full of fudgeing sunshine
Lol.  Interesting... hmm.  There certainly isn't that kind of attitude here - kids are taught to think for themselves, in general.  I've been to a number of schools, and that's the impression I've got.

For younger grades, it seems that they try to make school fun (at least my sister finds school fun).  This seems to be the general attitude during primary school - kids are generally exposed to a wide range of things.  Truancy, and those kinds of things are extremely low (IMO).
For highschool, truancy and those kinds of things seem to be higher.

But one interesting thing, I must say.  There's a shortage of "lower class" jobs here in Australia, thus the pay is actually quite high for something, let's say, a builder.  So I guess having too good an education system has issues too :P
21/06/2007 09:22 PM
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Post: #26
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:For younger grades, it seems that they try to make school fun (at least my sister finds school fun).

I HATE the stupid rules in primary school. So lame. Listing a few, (1). u are not allowed to not wear a hat outside in the sun. If u forgot to bring ur hat, the teachers force u stay under the shae next to a pole for the whole lunch. (2). u can't eat on the ovals. (3). u are not allowed in the school building during lunch. u have to stay outside. So combine that and the 1st rule i listed, ur fudgeed if u forgot to bring a hat. And have to stand like somewhere not outside, but not inside, like at the door in the shade the whole 1 hr of lunch.

I HATE how the kids are so "goody 2 shoes" and basically dob on u for everything that u do. It's like "x said the s word." "x isn't wearing a hat" "x is outside the line"...

I ABSOLUTELY HATE the fact that for higher years like yrs 5 and 6, about 1/2 ur marks come from decoration. and u HAVE to decorate all ur peices of work, otherwise the teachers will get pissed at u. Like if u do an assignment, u have to like draw colourful borders for it, and then color in the inside, and for titles, u have to draw them in color, in a creative font, and poo poo like that. Dude, i waste as much time decorating my assignment as i spend actually doing it.

I ABSOLUTELY HATE dancing the chicken dance and that other one, Macarina or whatever it's called. Pisses me of no end.

The system wee have here, girls probably like it more. like the chicken dance, and decoration and all that stuff really doesn't appeal to guys, but girls sem to enjoy it.

Otherwise, the other stuff, like making stuff, painting, sporting activities and the rest are sometimes fun.
22/06/2007 08:04 PM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #27
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
Assassinator Wrote:I HATE the stupid rules in primary school. So lame. Listing a few, (1). u are not allowed to not wear a hat outside in the sun. If u forgot to bring ur hat, the teachers force u stay under the shae next to a pole for the whole lunch. (2). u can't eat on the ovals. (3). u are not allowed in the school building during lunch. u have to stay outside. So combine that and the 1st rule i listed, ur fudgeed if u forgot to bring a hat. And have to stand like somewhere not outside, but not inside, like at the door in the shade the whole 1 hr of lunch.
Then don't forget the hat...  It works.  Like if you forget to bring writing utensils when going to a university exam, you're stuffed too, probably more so.
I agree that some rules may be lame, but they're justifiable, and reasonable IMO.  Considering how sunny Australia is, and how easy it is to get sunburnt, always wearing a hat is logical and appropriate.
My school had quite a few shady areas - just mainly the oval you weren't allowed on.  I guess that since I wasn't very sporty (in later years, due to my vision), I didn't use the oval much, except for chasey perhaps.

Assassinator Wrote:I HATE how the kids are so "goody 2 shoes" and basically dob on u for everything that u do. It's like "x said the s word." "x isn't wearing a hat" "x is outside the line"...
There's advantages and disadvantages in that.  You can easily figure out what others are thinking, for example.  Very easy to develop a personality profile of people.

Assassinator Wrote:I ABSOLUTELY HATE the fact that for higher years like yrs 5 and 6, about 1/2 ur marks come from decoration. and u HAVE to decorate all ur peices of work, otherwise the teachers will get pissed at u. Like if u do an assignment, u have to like draw colourful borders for it, and then color in the inside, and for titles, u have to draw them in color, in a creative font, and poo poo like that. Dude, i waste as much time decorating my assignment as i spend actually doing it.
That actually makes sense in the real world.  Many reports you write probably go to someone who barely understands it.  So appearance would, to whoever's read it, have quite an impact.
This also tries to bring out one's creative side, something you tend to loose as you grow older.

Assassinator Wrote:I ABSOLUTELY HATE dancing the chicken dance and that other one, Macarina or whatever it's called. Pisses me of no end.
O_o.  I didn't enjoy dancing that much, but I figured that if you don't have a choice, stop hating it.

Assassinator Wrote:The system wee have here, girls probably like it more. like the chicken dance, and decoration and all that stuff really doesn't appeal to guys, but girls sem to enjoy it.

Otherwise, the other stuff, like making stuff, painting, sporting activities and the rest are sometimes fun.
Dancing was poo poo, as I found that it had little resemblance of the music (it was more "memorize these lame movements which make no sense" than something which seemed appropriate).
Decoration is alright - just learn to experiment rather than try to stick to routines.

I liked highschool a lot more (and I like Uni more than highschool), but primary school was kinda interesting IMO. (except in grade 6, when my teacher loved sewing...  gawd, wee'd spend entire afternoons sewing some poo poo; luckily grade 7 was better - teacher liked drama)
(This post was last modified: 22/06/2007 11:56 PM by ZiNgA BuRgA.)
22/06/2007 11:55 PM
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Post: #28
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I agree that some rules may be lame, but they're justifiable, and reasonable IMO.  Considering how sunny Australia is, and how easy it is to get sunburnt, always wearing a hat is logical and appropriate.
My school had quite a few shady areas - just mainly the oval you weren't allowed on.  I guess that since I wasn't very sporty (in later years, due to my vision), I didn't use the oval much, except for chasey perhaps.

Lol. i probably never gotten sunburnt in my life, not that i remember. Maybe only a very few times, and even then, only very mild sunburns. I never really wear a hat either, except for when in primary school they forced me to. My skin is quite resistant to sunburn it seems. Sometimes when me and some others are together, in the sun, they get burnt all red, and i get nothing.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:There's advantages and disadvantages in that.  You can easily figure out what others are thinking, for example.  Very easy to develop a personality profile of people.

Increased ease in developing personal profile is not worth getting pwnt by teacher. U'll develop that profile anywyas, and it's not that neccessary either. Unless i really hate someone, and want to counter plot against them or something.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:That actually makes sense in the real world.  Many reports you write probably go to someone who barely understands it.  So appearance would, to whoever's read it, have quite an impact.
This also tries to bring out one's creative side, something you tend to loose as you grow older.

lol. U can't say "most", but it happens. And when i mean decoration, i don't men setting out ur report propperly, using appropriate headings, good structure and all that poo poo that may be useful in a report u write to ur boss. I mean stuff like drawing each letter of ur title a different colour, putting gliter on the boarders... and poo poo like that.

About bringing out the creative side, well, maybe.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:O_o.  I didn't enjoy dancing that much, but I figured that if you don't have a choice, stop hating it.

Hating something is not something u can control. On the other hand, stop resisting would be a better way to put it. If u hate something, u can't really get urself to enjoy it.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I liked highschool a lot more (and I like Uni more than highschool), but primary school was kinda interesting IMO. (except in grade 6, when my teacher loved sewing...  gawd, wee'd spend entire afternoons sewing some poo poo; luckily grade 7 was better - teacher liked drama)

sewing would be cool. It's easy, and, best of all, u get something out of it, not like doing the chicken dance. I did sewing in yr7. I absolutely owned in sewing. My teddy bear was the best.

Maths in primary school was really lame. for like ages straight, u get taught the same easy poo poo, that noone seems to get, and after the 10th time the teacher explains how to do some simple thing, u just get bored.

I loved making stuff in primary school. craft, or whatever they called it. Art and sport wasn't bad either.
23/06/2007 05:43 AM
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Post: #29
RE: UK authority's ban manhunt 2
well luckily indians r quite resistant to sun burn
it can really get hot in india

23/06/2007 10:30 AM
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