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Squall is Dead???
im no fanboy of ff8, but thing interests me is this article regarding FF8, i thought time compression only exist in the game
Quote:Squall's Dead" discusses the possibility of Final Fantasy VIII's storyline covertly revolving around the death of its main character early on, a theory which - so far - appears to be undiscussed on the internets. Wee will attempt to explain the basis of the theory, and argue why it may be true. At the end of the article wee concede that there is no real "proof", merely suggestions and hints. However, wee hope this analysis will add meaning to the game for all players - perhaps refreshing its value over a decade since the game's release - and inspire a discussion as it did between us.
With that said, let's get on with it!
Rinoa reaches out to Squall as he falls from the parade float.
The Theory
At the end of disc one, Squall and Friends face Edea on a parade float in Deling City. After the fight, when Edea seems defeated, she conjures an enormous ice shard and propels it through Squall’s chest. Squall stumbles back and falls off the platform. He sees Rinoa above, reaching to him as he falls. Squall closes his eyes and dies. The entire remaining game time, from the beginning of disc two to the second half of the ending movie, is a dream.
A dream?
Uh huh. A dream, a fantasy, a vision, or whatever you want to call it. The “dream” is basically an extension of the “your life flashes before your eyes” concept. The entire dream takes only a matter of seconds, but for Squall is passes in real time. For Squall, it’s about the endless possibilities he could have seen realized. Squall explores the questions that were raised on the first disc but he was not able to answer in his lifetime. These questions include, but are not limited to:
Who is the Sorceress Edea? What are her goals and motivation? Where do her powers come from? Why was Seifer in the parade with Edea when he was reported executed? Who was the girl (Ellone) that Squall and Quistis saw in the Garden training center? Who is Laguna and why did Squall, Selphie, and Zell all have the same dream about him? And, most importantly, who is Squall? Who were his parents? Why did they leave him at the orphanage? Where does he come from, and what would he have done with his life had he not died?
Standard interpretations of the story
Today’s understanding of the events of Final Fantasy VIII comprise of a mixed bag. Most people focus on who Ultimecia is, what her motives are, and what happens after her defeat. This has led to the misinterpretation of the evidence and symbolism pointing towards Squall’s death. Some evidence that formerly appeared to be vague and inconclusive now represent clear allusions and references to the subtlety of Final Fantasy VIII’s “obscured” meaning.
In fact, the popular opinion of Final Fantasy VIII falls exactly in line with the nature of the elements of the plot that are consistent within the dream theory, and those that are not. For instance, one of the biggest criticisms of the game is that the “orphanage plot twist” appears to be completely random and come out of nowhere. It appears to be too convenient, for how could all the main characters have possibly grown up together in the same orphanage? The brilliance of the dream theory is that it addresses concerns like these and offers a logical explanation.
read the theories at the site below
19/02/2010 10:00 AM |
Down with MJ yo
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RE: Squall is Dead???
Thanks for posting FF8 is my favorite game of all time
19/02/2010 10:27 AM |
Resident Full Stop Abuser.....
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RE: Squall is Dead???
I kinda see the logic, but i choose to believe that waht was a great game just had a retarded story. It had no continuity because it didnt, not because Squall was dreaming. Square were never subtle enough to do that, certainly not when FF8 came out, without throwing in some obvious dream effects and over the top stuff...
19/02/2010 10:47 AM |
Omnipotent Presence
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RE: Squall is Dead???
roberth Wrote:I kinda see the logic, but i choose to believe that waht was a great game just had a retarded story. It had no continuity because it didnt, not because Squall was dreaming. Square were never subtle enough to do that, certainly not when FF8 came out, without throwing in some obvious dream effects and over the top stuff...
Think back on FF7's story. A lot of the stuff was implied, but not said. I think this FF8 theory is certainly possible.
19/02/2010 01:33 PM |
Team Ramrod
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RE: Squall is Dead???
I had always figured Squall died at the end of it. Why else was Rinoa crying in the final FMV? I was confused and just ignored it really... I never really try to let any logical inconsistencies bother me in FFs. I love the games too much. I let that kind of stuff annoy me in movies :P
<3 Diego!
19/02/2010 01:47 PM |
Chief Phantom
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RE: Squall is Dead???
plausible, just as the rinoa=ultimecia theory.
19/02/2010 04:55 PM |
Paradigmatic Apprentice
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RE: Squall is Dead???
hecaitomix Wrote:plausible, just as the rinoa=ultimecia theory.
Square Enix denied that theory, besides FF8 is a great game, hell I own a griever and wear it all the time, anyway the dream theory is convincing, but its Final Fantasy, barely anyone dies
Fear The Shadow Cobra
19/02/2010 05:02 PM |
Chief Phantom
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RE: Squall is Dead???
phoenix down is the answer.
19/02/2010 05:14 PM |