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[VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
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Post: #51
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
I'm rather easily moved by those touching stuffs. horror movies is also not my type (zombies fall into the romatic genre if you please) but yeah, stuffs like <3 america was blah. i believe wee all've seen worse.

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
10/02/2010 09:36 AM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #52
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Heartless141 Wrote:I'm rather easily moved by those touching stuffs. horror movies is also not my type (zombies fall into the romatic genre if you please) but yeah, stuffs like <3 america was blah. i believe wee all've seen worse.

It's still sad >_>

Assassinator Wrote:Also pretty much sit through most "sob story" animes relatively emotionless (besides for a select few, KgNE being one of them).

What's a sob story that doesn't make you sob? ¬_¬

Assassinator Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:But I do agree with you this discussion is rather unpleasant...

I think its rather interesting to be honest ^^'

Yes, but unpleasant at the same time.

You do find this unpleasent even though you're admittedly emotionless to most things?
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 09:38 AM by S7*.)
10/02/2010 09:36 AM
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Post: #53
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
you know it's unpleasant,but you feel nothing basically :P it's like watching hershey kisses without foreplay. you know it's sexually attractive, but you don't get a boner instantly.

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
10/02/2010 09:39 AM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #54
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Heartless141 Wrote:you know it's unpleasant,but you feel nothing basically :P it's like watching hershey kisses without foreplay. you know it's sexually attractive, but you don't get a boner instantly.


foreplay is most sexually attractive - the rest is the aftermath, it depends on what's happening/feeling/sounds for it to be sexually attractive [sensitivity for the win. Probably why I favour yuri always].

knowing its not exactly unpleasant and saying it IS unpleasant is just being socially acceptable.
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 09:44 AM by S7*.)
10/02/2010 09:43 AM
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Post: #55
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Senseito7 Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Also pretty much sit through most "sob story" animes relatively emotionless (besides for a select few, KgNE being one of them).

What's a sob story that doesn't make you sob? ¬_¬

It's supposed to make you sob, doesn't mean it necessarily works on everyone.  You probably cry on everything, I don't.  As Zinga said it in that Kanon discussion back then, you just fall for whatever random tragic events too easily (Zinga too, is quite resilient to that stuff).
10/02/2010 09:47 AM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #56
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Assassinator Wrote:It's supposed to make you sob, doesn't mean it necessarily works on everyone.  You probably cry on everything, I don't.  As Zinga said it in that Kanon discussion back then, you just fall for whatever random tragic events too easily (Zinga too, is quite resilient to that stuff).

There has to be story, reason and sense to make me cry. Otherwise I'd be the over-sensitive cry(baby) you('ve) describe(d).

Kanon for one wasn't random, in all cases there may have been something wrong but there was always story and character development before the curtain call on each arc.
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 09:55 AM by S7*.)
10/02/2010 09:55 AM
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Post: #57
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Senseito7 Wrote:knowing its not exactly unpleasant and saying it IS unpleasant is just being socially acceptable.

I never said I didn't find all that stuff "unpleasant", I do.  I'm just saying it doesn't "horrify", or "have a large effect" on me, so it's mostly effect-less.  I find that rotten apple in the fridge unpleasant, doesn't mean I have to do around acting like it's the worse thing to ever happen in the history of man.

Take that <3 America thread for example, some people seem completely horrified, they're like "OMG, how can someone be so cruel, it's unimaginable to do that to his own daughter, he needs to burn in hell".  My comment was "meh, I've seen worse", but that doesn't mean I don't find it not unpleasant at all.

In a similar sense, I'm not saying I completely feel nothing during these "sob stories", just not enough to actually make me sob.
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 10:00 AM by Assassinator.)
10/02/2010 09:58 AM
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Post: #58
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
it's (not really) amazing how fast the topic change.
i didn't cry for kanon either, nor clannad.
KnT was the first time i cry ever since i stopped crying from my dad's beating when i was 7.

should live up to my name a bit more.

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
10/02/2010 09:59 AM
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Post: #59
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
Senseito7 Wrote:There has to be story, reason and sense to make me cry. Otherwise I'd be the over-sensitive cry(baby) you('ve) describe(d).

Kanon for one wasn't random, in all cases there may have been something wrong but there was always story and character development before the curtain call on each arc.

So what, you cried for all the sub-stories in Kanon?  (Well, Kanon is actually one of the better written stories, but if you cry for all these random sad stories out there...)

You also cry on stuff your younger sister doesn't.

Senseito7 Wrote:You do find this unpleasent even though you're admittedly emotionless to most things?

Also look at it this way, you get shown to you a picture of another man's hairy dick.  Now you probably find that unpleasant, and you would probably want to "un-see" it if possible, but that doesn't mean you're going to go into an emotional outrage or get completely horrified or go into shock or whatever.  So you find it unpleasant, but you're pretty emotionless at the same time.

Err... Ok, "pretty much emotionless" referring to not feeling anything significant, rather than not feeling anything at all.
(This post was last modified: 10/02/2010 10:41 AM by Assassinator.)
10/02/2010 10:17 AM
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Post: #60
RE: [VOTING] New SOTW #14 - De-elevate/Lower
aspheric Wrote:moon?

looking back, this comment started it all.
this is even weirder than that wiki race thread.

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
10/02/2010 10:33 AM
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