I planted the emo grass in backyard
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Post: #11
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
Black grass eh? Sounds interesting...

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18/11/2009 04:27 AM
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Post: #12
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
what would the effects of smoking it be?

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19/11/2009 08:35 AM
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Post: #13
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
* lembas rolls around in the black grass.

I'm gay.
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19/11/2009 01:45 PM
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Post: #14
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
andrewcc Wrote:what would the effects of smoking it be?

intense depression

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19/11/2009 01:47 PM
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Post: #15
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
This thread reminds me of a joke:

Guy goes into an adult  store and asks for an inflatable doll.
Guy behind the counter  says, 'Male or female?'
Customer says,  'Female.' Counter guy asks, 'Black or white?
Customer says, 'White.'
Counter guy asks, 'Christian or Muslim?'
Customer says, 'What the hell does religion have to do with it?'
Counter guy says, 'The Muslim one blows itself up.'

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<3 Diego!
19/11/2009 04:17 PM
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Hey poor player!

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Post: #16
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
Sparker Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:touche.

lol, if wee plant emo grass, then wouldnt it be black?
you know, to match its heart?

You're right. Then it'll die like syfe predicted because it'll refuse to photosynthesis to turn green.

It can't. I practiced necromancy on it ;)

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19/11/2009 08:06 PM
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Hey poor player!

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Post: #17
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
Also smoking undead grass is a really bad idea.

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19/11/2009 08:07 PM
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Post: #18
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
Goshi Wrote:Also smoking undead grass is a really bad idea.
It's too greasy!! Crybaby

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20/11/2009 12:43 PM
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Post: #19
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
Would the undead grass die in the daylight?

21/11/2009 04:57 AM
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Hey poor player!

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Post: #20
RE: I planted the emo grass in backyard
It can't. I practiced necromancy on it ;)

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21/11/2009 05:37 AM
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