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[550] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
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[550] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
Total_Noob is back again, now with some requests fulfilled!
Most notably random colors, meaning each time you boot the psp it will pick a random month from 01-30!  Great for those high res wallpaper themes ;)
Also you can customize the colors to your likings via a text file rather than hex editing :D

[Image: snap001i.jpg]

Readme Wrote:Ultimate VSH Menu Revised
      by Total_Noob

Ultimate VSH Menu Revised by Total_Noob is an alternative plugin to replace M33 and GEN official VSH Menu. It works fine on 5.00M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN et 5.50GEN Custom Firmwares. It is a MUST HAVE.

Features of this plugin are :

    * All functions of the official VSH Menu.
    * Ability to customize the colors.
    * The SELECT button can either open the Recovery(in-VSH Recovery), the VshMenu or nothing.
    * Recovery can reboot by holding R and exit the Recovery (useful for VSH plugins and other configurations).
    * The SELECT button can be change via the combo R + L + [].
    * VSH Recovery can be open in the VSH Menu.
    * Random color option is available to change the system color randomly.
    * An option in the VSH Menu to quickly start a homebrew (ms0:/PSP/GAME/VSHMENU/EBOOT.PBP).
    * Convert battery option is available in the VSH Menu (convert battery to Normal, Pandora or Autoboot).
    * Slim Colors Patch by Bubbletune integrate (only for psp phat).
    * USB charge can be change in the VSH Menu (only for psp slim).
    * Ability to hide the MAC address in the System Information.
    * UMD update icon can be hide in the XMB.
    * Possibility to take screenshots (combos are NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE, R + SCREEN, L + SCREEN or NOTE +             SCREEN).
    * Ability to suspend the device in the VSH Menu.

Requirement for use it :

    * All PSP with a 5.xx Custom Firmware on board (even PSP-2000v3 and PSP-3000) : 5.00M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN or       5.50GEN

Installation :

    * Download
    * Connect your PSP to computer via USB Wire.

    * Toggle your PSP in USB Mode.
    * Click with right button of your mouse on downloaded file.
    * Choose "extract files..."
    * Choose the letter that the system attribute to your PSP in desktop.
    * Click on OK and wait that all files are copied on your computer.
      Note : if you have old version of UVSHM, files need to be overwrited.
    * Leave USB Mode
    * Go to the SEPLUGINS directory from your MS
    * open (or create) the VSH.TXT file abnd add inside this line :
      ms0:/seplugins/vshmenu.prx 1
    * Disconnect from USB mode ans reboot PSP
    * Enjoy.

How to use it ?

    * select : Open UVSHM menu from XMB, or go to Recovery menu, or nothing. Action depends of your settings.
    * Left + Right + Square : Change the SELECT button effect.
    * Up or Down : Choose an option in menu
    * Right or left : change value in one option.
    * X : Validate an option
    * R + Note : take a screenshot (it depends of your settings)

Focus on Ultimate VSH Menu fonctions :

* CPU Clock XMB :
  - Choose the processor's speed in XMB

* CPU Clock GAME :
  - Choose the processor's speed in GAME

* USB Device :
  - Choose between MS, Fo ,F1 F2 F3, and UMD in USB mode.

* UMD ISO Mode
  - Choose between différents ISO launching ways (Normal, OE ISOFs, M33 Driver, Sony NP9660)

* USB Charge
  - Accept, or not, to charge battery from USB

* Hide MAC Adress
  - Hide, or not, the PSP MAC Adress

* Hide UMD Update
  - Hide Update Icon from UND

* Screenshot
  - Allow, or not, to screenshot and choose the key/combo to do it.
    (R, R + Note, L + Note, R + Screen, L + Screen, Note + Screen, Disable)

* SELECT Button
  - Allow to choose action affected to SELECT Button (Recovery, VSH Menu, or nothing) - Shortcut : L + r + SQUARE

* Random Color :
  - Enabled ot disabled Random Color

* Convert Battery
  - If the PSP can make it, this option can convert your battery in a pandora one or restore it to a normal one.

* ISO Video Mount
  - Mount/unmount an ISO from UMD Video

* Shutodwn Devive
  - Shutdown PSP

* Suspend Device
  - Suspend PSP

* Reboot device
  - Reboot PSP

* Recovery Menu
  - Open the Recovery Menu directly from VSH


o For use the in-VSH recovery on ChickHEN & CFWEnabler, copy the vshrecovery.prx file to the seplugins folder on your memory stick.
o By special wishes or bugs, write me an e-mail:

If you like this plugin, you can donate me a drink:)

PSPGen: For all their support and allowing me to release this plugin on their site.
Gadget: For DevSite & betatesting
Vegetano1: For betatesting.
SchmilK: For betatesting.
Bubbletune: For his awesome Slim Colors Patch.

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 43.19 KB / Downloads: 2920)

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 24/10/2009 11:54 AM by Vegetano1.)
20/09/2009 12:46 PM
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Post: #2
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
Thanks for the news. This plugin is very handy.

“Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.”
20/09/2009 01:04 PM
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Post: #3
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
next update will have skip gameboot!  so it will be instant action like when launching games gfrom irshell!

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
20/09/2009 01:28 PM
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**The Welsh Guy**

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Post: #4
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
so is this compatible with the game categories plugin? last one wasn't..

   [Image: welshzh5.gif]
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20/09/2009 05:00 PM
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Evil Person

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Post: #5
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
nicodemus82 Wrote:so is this compatible with the game categories plugin? last one wasn't..

If it is then I'll start using it.

My Daleks, just understand this; if you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you.
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20/09/2009 05:03 PM
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**The Welsh Guy**

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Post: #6
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
well, I'll answer my own question...yes it is compatible with game categories yay!
although had a problem when trying to load it from usb mode got messed up and every time I tried to connect to usb from the xmb it would tell me to connect a usb even though it was already connected...weird
anyone else got this working from flash0?

   [Image: welshzh5.gif]
[Image: Olivia_lufkin_by_limone86.jpg]
20/09/2009 05:43 PM
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Evil Person

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Post: #7
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
nicodemus82 Wrote:well, I'll answer my own question...yes it is compatible with game categories yay!
although had a problem when trying to load it from usb mode got messed up and every time I tried to connect to usb from the xmb it would tell me to connect a usb even though it was already connected...weird
anyone else got this working from flash0?

Great, I'm going to use this now because I use a card reader, not USB.

My Daleks, just understand this; if you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you.
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20/09/2009 05:47 PM
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Post: #8
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
working on 5.03 chickhen. nice plugin very handy!

vinrose67 Signature

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20/09/2009 06:44 PM
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Post: #9
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
nicodemus82 Wrote:anyone else got this working from flash0?

That's the first thing I tried to do when I downloaded it. No worky here either Nanana

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20/09/2009 07:23 PM
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Post: #10
RE: [Release] Ultimate VSHMenu Revised for 5.xx
nicodemus82 Wrote:anyone else got this working from flash0?

how are you trying to load from flash0?

I used plugin2flash, copied vshmenu.prx and vshmenucolors.txt in flash0\seplugins, then edited flash0:/seplugin/vsh.txt and added
flash0:/seplugins/vshmenu.prx 1

and my usb works fine, and everything else seems to work fine.

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
20/09/2009 09:10 PM
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