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Smart Alternative

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Post: #1
Rate the usefulness of the above post
There doesn't seem to be a post above mine - so it gets 0/10.
17/05/2007 05:14 AM
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RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post

17/05/2007 05:35 AM
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Former Admin ;)

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Post: #3
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post

[Image: ub1985584.jpg]
17/05/2007 05:49 AM
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Endless Night

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Post: #4
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post

  Z80 Instruction Set Summary   version 2000c

Mnemonic      Time Size CNPHZS  OP-Code
ADC A,(HL)    7     1   +0V+++  8E
ADC A,(IX+N)  19    3   +0V+++  DD 8E XX
ADC A,(IY+N)  19    3   +0V+++  FD 8E XX
ADC A,r       4     1   +0V+++  88+r
ADC A,HX            2   +0V+++  DD 8C
ADC A,HY            2   +0V+++  FD 8C
ADC A,LX            2   +0V+++  DD 8D
ADC A,LY            2   +0V+++  FD 8D
ADC A,N       7     2   +0V+++  CE XX
ADC HL,BC     15    2   +0V ++  ED 4A
ADC HL,DE     15    2   +0V ++  ED 5A
ADC HL,HL     15    2   +0V ++  ED 6A
ADC HL,SP     15    2   +0V ++  ED 7A
ADD A,(HL)    7     1   +0V+++  86
ADD A,(IX+N)  19    3   +0V+++  DD 86 XX
ADD A,(IY+N)  19    3   +0V+++  FD 86 XX
ADD A,r       4     1   +0V+++  8r
ADD A,HX            2   +0V+++  DD 84
ADD A,HY            2   +0V+++  FD 84
ADD A,LX            2   +0V+++  DD 85
ADD A,LY            2   +0V+++  FD 85
ADD A,N       7     2   +0V+++  C6 XX
ADD HL,BC     11    1   +0- --  09
ADD HL,DE     11    1   +0- --  19
ADD HL,HL     11    1   +0- --  29
ADD HL,SP     11    1   +0- --  39
ADD IX,BC     15    2   +0- --  DD 09
ADD IX,DE     15    2   +0- --  DD 19
ADD IX,IX     15    2   +0- --  DD 29
ADD IX,SP     15    2   +0- --  DD 39
ADD IY,BC     15    2   +0- --  FD 09
ADD IY,DE     15    2   +0- --  FD 19
ADD IY,IY     15    2   +0- --  FD 29
ADD IY,SP     15    2   +0- --  FD 39
AND (HL)      7     1   00P1++  A6
AND (IX+N)    19    3   00P1++  DD A6 XX
AND (IY+N)    19    3   00P1++  FD A6 XX
AND r         4     1   00P1++  Ar
AND HX              2   00P1++  DD A4
AND HY              2   00P1++  FD A4
AND LX              2   00P1++  DD A5
AND LY              2   00P1++  FD A5
AND N         7     2   00P1++  E6 XX
BIT b,(HL)    12    2   -0 1+   CB 46+8*b
BIT b,(IX+N)  20    4   -0 1+   DD CB XX 46+8*b
BIT b,(IY+N)  20    4   -0 1+   FD CB XX 46+8*b
BIT b,r       8     2   -0 1+   CB 4r+8*b
CALL C,good night     17/10 3   ------  DC XX XX
CALL M,good night     17/10 3   ------  FC XX XX
CALL NC,good night    17/10 3   ------  D4 XX XX
CALL NC,good night    17/10 3   ------  D4 XX XX
CALL good night       17    3   ------  CD XX XX
CALL NZ,good night    17/10 3   ------  C4 XX XX
CALL P,good night     17/10 3   ------  F4 XX XX
CALL PE,good night    17/10 3   ------  EC XX XX
CALL PO,good night    17/10 3   ------  E4 XX XX
CALL Z,good night     17/10 3   ------  CC XX XX
CCF           4     1   +0- --  3F
CP (HL)       7     1   +1V+++  BE
CP (IX+N)     19    3   +1V+++  DD BE XX
CP (IY+N)     19    3   +1V+++  FD BE XX
CP r          4     1   +1V+++  B8+r
CP HX               2   +1V+++  DD BC
CP HY               2   +1V+++  FD BC
CP LX               2   +1V+++  DD BD
CP LY               2   +1V+++  FD BD
CP N          7     2   +1V+++  FE XX
CPD           16    2   -1++++  ED A9
CPDR          21/16 2   -1++++  ED B9
CPI           16    2   -1++++  ED A1
CPIR          21/16 2   -1++++  ED B1
CPL           4     1   -1-1--  2F
DAA           4     1   +-P+++  27
DEC (HL)      11    1   -1V+++  35
DEC (IX+N)    23    3   -1V+++  DD 35 XX
DEC (IY+N)    23    3   -1V+++  FD 35 XX
DEC A         4     1   -1V+++  3D
DEC B         4     1   -1V+++  05
DEC BC        6     1   ------  0B
DEC C         4     1   -1V+++  0D
DEC D         4     1   -1V+++  15
DEC DE        6     1   ------  1B
DEC E         4     1   -1V+++  1D
DEC H         4     1   -1V+++  25
DEC HL        6     1   ------  2B
DEC IX        10    2   ------  DD 2B
DEC IY        10    2   ------  FD 2B
DEC L         4     2   -1V+++  2D
DEC SP        6     1   ------  3B
DI            4     1   ------  F3
DJNZ $N+2     13/8  2   ------  10 XX
EI            4     1   ------  FB
EX (SP),HL    19    1   ------  E3
EX (SP),IX    23    2   ------  DD E3
EX (SP),IY    23    2   ------  FD E3
EX AF,AF'     4     1   ------  08
EX DE,HL      4     1   ------  EB
EXX           4     1   ------  D9
HALT          4+    1   ------  76
IM 0          8     2   ------  ED 46
IM 1          8     2   ------  ED 56
IM 2          8     2   ------  ED 5E
IN A,©      12    2   -0P+++  ED 78
IN A,(N)      11    2   ------  DB XX
IN B,©      12    2   -0P+++  ED 40
IN C,©      12    2   -0P+++  ED 48
IN D,©      12    2   -0P+++  ED 50
IN E,©      12    2   -0P+++  ED 58
IN H,©      12    2   -0P+++  ED 60
IN L,©      12    2   -0P+++  ED 68
IN ©        12    2   -0P+++  ED 70
INC (HL)      11    1   - V +   34
INC (IX+N)    23    3   - V +   DD 34 XX
INC (IY+N)    23    3   - V +   FD 34 XX
INC A         4     1   -0V+++  3C
INC B         4     1   -0V+++  04
INC BC        6     1   ------  03
INC C         4     1   -0V+++  0C
INC D         4     1   -0V+++  14
INC DE        6     1   ------  13
INC E         4     1   -0V+++  1C
INC H         4     1   -0V+++  24
INC HL        6     1   ------  23
INC HX              2   -0V+++  DD 24
INC HY              2   -0V+++  FD 24
INC IX        10    2   ------  DD 23
INC IY        10    2   ------  FD 23
INC L         4     1   -0V+++  2C
INC LX              2   -0V+++  DD 2C
INC LY              2   -0V+++  FD 2C
INC SP        6     1   ------  33
IND           16    2   -1  +   ED AA
INDR          21/16 2   -1  1   ED BA
INI           16    2   -1  +   ED A2
INIR          21/16 2   -1  1   ED B2
JP $good night        10    3   ------  C3 XX XX
JP (HL)       4     1   ------  E9
JP (IX)       8     2   ------  DD E9
JP (IY)       8     2   ------  FD E9
JP C,$good night      10    3   ------  DA XX XX
JP M,$good night      10    3   ------  FA XX XX
JP NC,$good night     10    3   ------  D2 XX XX
JP NZ,$good night     10    3   ------  C2 XX XX
JP P,$good night      10    3   ------  F2 XX XX
JP PE,$good night     10    3   ------  EA XX XX
JP PO,$good night     10    3   ------  E2 XX XX
JP Z,$good night      10    3   ------  CA XX XX
JR $N+2       12    2   ------  18 XX
JR C,$N+2     12/7  2   ------  38 XX
JR NC,$N+2    12/7  2   ------  30 XX
JR NZ,$N+2    12/7  2   ------  20 XX
JR Z,$N+2     12/7  2   ------  28 XX
LD (BC),A     7     1   ------  02
LD (DE),A     7     1   ------  12
LD (HL),r     7     1   ------  7r
LD (HL),N     10    2   ------  36 XX
LD (IX+N),r   19    3   ------  DD 7r XX
LD (IX+N),N   19    4   ------  DD 36 XX XX
LD (IY+N),r   19    3   ------  FD 7r XX
LD (IY+N),N   19    4   ------  FD 36 XX XX
LD (good night),A     13    3   ------  32 XX XX
LD (good night),BC    20    4   ------  ED 43 XX XX
LD (good night),DE    20    4   ------  ED 53 XX XX
LD (good night),HL    16    3   ------  22 XX XX
LD (good night),IX    20    4   ------  DD 22 XX XX
LD (good night),IY    20    4   ------  FD 22 XX XX
LD (good night),SP    20    4   ------  ED 73 XX XX
LD A,(BC)     7     1   ------  0A
LD A,(DE)     7     1   ------  1A
LD A,(HL)     7     1   ------  7E
LD A,(IX+N)   19    3   ------  DD 7E XX
LD A,(IY+N)   19    3   ------  FD 7E XX
LD A,(good night)     13    3   ------  3A XX XX
LD A,r        4     1   ------  78+r
LD A,HX             2   ------  DD 7C
LD A,HY             2   ------  FD 7C
LD A,LX             2   ------  DD 7D
LD A,LY             2   ------  FD 7D
LD A,I        9     2   -0+0++  ED 57
LD A,N        7     2   ------  3E XX
LD A,R        9     2   -0+0++  ED 5F
LD B,(HL)     7     1   ------  46
LD B,(IX+N)   19    3   ------  DD 46 XX
LD B,(IY+N)   19    3   ------  FD 46 XX
LD B,HX             2   ------  DD 44
LD B,HY             2   ------  FD 44
LD B,LX             2   ------  DD 45
LD B,LY             2   ------  FD 45
LD B,r        4     1   ------  4r
LD B,N        7     2   ------  06 XX
LD BC,(good night)    20    4   ------  ED 4B XX XX
LD BC,good night      10    3   ------  01 XX XX
LD C,(HL)     7     1   ------  4E
LD C,(IX+N)   19    3   ------  DD 4E XX
LD C,(IY+N)   19    3   ------  FD 4E XX
LD C,HX             2   ------  DD 4C
LD C,HY             2   ------  FD 4C
LD C,LX             2   ------  DD 4D
LD C,LY             2   ------  FD 4D
LD C,r        4     1   ------  48+r
LD C,N        7     2   ------  0E XX
LD D,(HL)     7     1   ------  56
LD D,(IX+N)   19    3   ------  DD 56 XX
LD D,(IY+N)   19    3   ------  FD 56 XX
LD D,HX             2   ------  DD 54
LD D,HY             2   ------  FD 54
LD D,LX             2   ------  DD 55
LD D,LY             2   ------  FD 55
LD D,r        4     1   ------  5r
LD D,N        7     2   ------  16 XX
LD DE,(good night)    20    4   ------  ED 5B XX XX
LD DE,good night      10    3   ------  11 XX XX
LD E,(HL)     7     1   ------  5E
LD E,(IX+N)   19    3   ------  DD 5E XX
LD E,(IY+N)   19    3   ------  FD 5E XX
LD E,HX             2   ------  DD 5C
LD E,HY             2   ------  FD 5C
LD E,LX             2   ------  DD 5D
LD E,LY             2   ------  FD 5D
LD E,r        4     1   ------  58+r
LD E,N        7     2   ------  1E XX
LD H,(HL)     7     1   ------  66
LD H,(IX+N)   19    3   ------  DD 66 XX
LD H,(IY+N)   19    3   ------  FD 66 XX
LD H,r        4     1   ------  6r
LD H,N        7     2   ------  26 XX
LD HL,(good night)    20    3   ------  2A XX XX
LD HL,good night      10    3   ------  21 XX XX
LD HX,r*            2   ------  DD 6r*
LD HX,N             3   ------  DD 26 XX
LD HY,r*            2   ------  FD 6r*
LD HY,N             3   ------  FD 26 XX
LD I,A        9     2   ------  ED 47
LD IX,(good night)    20    4   ------  DD 2A XX XX
LD IX,good night      14    4   ------  DD 21 XX XX
LD IY,(good night)    20    4   ------  FD 2A XX XX
LD IY,good night      14    4   ------  FD 21 XX XX
LD L,(HL)     7     1   ------  6E
LD L,(IX+N)   19    3   ------  DD 6E XX
LD L,(IY+N)   19    3   ------  FD 6E XX
LD L,r        4     1   ------  68+r
LD L,N        7     2   ------  2E XX
LD LX,r*            2   ------  DD 68+r*
LD LX,N             3   ------  FD 2E XX
LD LY,r*            2   ------  DD 68+r*
LD LY,N             3   ------  FD 2E XX
LD R,A        9     2   ------  ED 4F
LD SP,(good night)    20    4   ------  ED 7B XX XX
LD SP,HL      6     1   ------  F9
LD SP,IX      10    2   ------  DD F9
LD SP,IY      10    2   ------  FD F9
LD SP,good night      10    3   ------  31 XX XX
LDD           16    2   -0+0--  ED A8
LDDR          21/16 2   -000--  ED B8
LDI           16    2   -0+0--  ED A0
LDIR          21/16 2   -000--  ED B0
NEG           8     2   +1V+++  ED 44
NOP           4     1   ------  00
OR (HL)       7     1   00P0++  B6
OR (IX+N)     19    3   00P0++  DD B6 XX
OR (IY+N)     19    3   00P0++  FD B6 XX
OR r          4     1   00P0++  Br
OR HX               2   00P0++  DD Before
OR HY               2   00P0++  FD Before
OR LX               2   00P0++  DD B5
OR LY               2   00P0++  FD B5
OR N          7     2   00P0++  F6 XX
OTDR          21/16 2   -1  1   ED BB
OTIR          21/16 2   -1  1   ED B3
OUT ©,A     12    2   ------  ED 79
OUT ©,B     12    2   ------  ED 41
OUT ©,C     12    2   ------  ED 49
OUT ©,D     12    2   ------  ED 51
OUT ©,E     12    2   ------  ED 59
OUT ©,H     12    2   ------  ED 61
OUT ©,L     12    2   ------  ED 69
OUT ©,0     12    2   ------  ED 71
OUT (N),A     11    2   ------  D3 XX
OUTD          16    2   -1  +   ED AB
OUTI          16    2   -1  +   ED A3
POP AF        10    1   ------  F1
POP BC        10    1   ------  C1
POP DE        10    1   ------  D1
POP HL        10    1   ------  E1
POP IX        14    2   ------  DD E1
POP IY        14    2   ------  FD E1
PUSH AF       11    1   ------  F5
PUSH BC       11    1   ------  C5
PUSH DE       11    1   ------  D5
PUSH HL       11    1   ------  E5
PUSH IX       15    2   ------  DD E5
PUSH IY       15    2   ------  FD E5
RES b,(HL)    15    2   ------  CB 86+8*b
RES b,(IX+N)  23    4   ------  DD CB XX 86+8*b
RES b,(IY+N)  23    4   ------  FD CB XX 86+8*b
RES b,r       8     2   ------  CB 8r+8*b
RET           10    1   ------  C9
RET C         11/5  1   ------  D8
RET M         11/5  1   ------  F8
RET NC        11/5  1   ------  D0
RET NZ        11/5  1   ------  C0
RET P         11/5  1   ------  F0
RET PE        11/5  1   ------  E8
RET PO        11/5  1   ------  E0
RET Z         11/5  1   ------  C8
RETI          14    2   ------  ED 4D
RETN          14    2   ------  ED 45
RL (HL)       15    2   +0P0++  CB 16
RL r          8     2   +0P0++  CB 1r
RL (IX+N)     23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 16
RL (IY+N)     23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 16
RLA           4     1   +0-0--  17
RLC (HL)      15    2   +0P0++  CB 06
RLC (IX+N)    23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 06
RLC (IY+N)    23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 06
RLC r         8     2   +0P0++  CB 0r
RLCA          4     1   +0-0--  07
RLD           18    2   -0P0++  ED 6F
RR (HL)       15    2   +0P0++  CB 1E
RR r          8     2   +0P0++  CB 18+r
RR (IX+N)     23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 1E
RR (IY+N)     23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 1E
RRA           4     1   +0-0--  1F
RRC (HL)      15    2   +0P0++  CB 0E
RRC (IX+N)    23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 0E
RRC (IY+N)    23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 0E
RRC r         8     2   +0P0++  CB 08+r
RRCA          4     1   +0-0--  0F
RRD           18    2   -0P0++  ED 67
RST 0         11    1   ------  C7
RST 8H        11    1   ------  CF
RST 10H       11    1   ------  D7
RST 18H       11    1   ------  DF
RST 20H       11    1   ------  E7
RST 28H       11    1   ------  EF
RST 30H       11    1   ------  F7
RST 38H       11    1   ------  FF
SBC A,(HL)    7     1   +1V+++  9E
SBC A,(IX+N)  19    3   +1V+++  DD 9E XX
SBC A,(IY+N)  19    3   +1V+++  FD 9E XX
SBC A,r       4     1   +1V+++  98+r
SBC HX              2   +1V+++  DD 9C
SBC HY              2   +1V+++  FD 9C
SBC LX              2   +1V+++  DD 9D
SBC LY              2   +1V+++  FD 9D
SBC A,N       7     2   +1V+++  DE XX
SBC HL,BC     15    2   +1V ++  ED 42
SBC HL,DE     15    2   +1V ++  ED 52
SBC HL,HL     15    2   +1V ++  ED 62
SBC HL,SP     15    2   +1V ++  ED 72
SCF           4     1   10-0--  37
SET b,(HL)    15    2   ------  CB C6+8*b
SET b,(IX+N)  23    4   ------  DD CB XX C6+8*b
SET b,(IY+N)  23    4   ------  FD CB XX C6+8*b
SET b,r       8     2   ------  CB Cr+8*b
SLA (HL)      15    2   +0P0++  CB 26
SLA (IX+N)    23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 26
SLA (IY+N)    23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 26
SLA r         8     2   +0P0++  CB 2r
SLL (HL)      15    2   +0P0++  CB 36
SLL (IX+N)    23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 36
SLL (IY+N)    23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 36
SLL r         8     2   +0P0++  CB 3r
SRA (HL)      15    2   +0P0++  CB 2E
SRA (IX+N)    23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 2E
SRA (IY+N)    23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 2E
SRA r         8     2   +0P0++  CB 28+r
SRL (HL)      15    2   +0P0++  CB 3E
SRL (IX+N)    23    4   +0P0++  DD CB XX 3E
SRL (IY+N)    23    4   +0P0++  FD CB XX 3E
SRL r         8     2   +0P0++  CB 38+r
SUB (HL)      7     1   ++V+++  96
SUB (IX+N)    19    3   ++V+++  DD 96 XX
SUB (IY+N)    19    3   ++V+++  FD 96 XX
SUB r         4     1   ++V+++  9r
SUB HX              2   ++V+++  DD 94
SUB HY              2   ++V+++  FD 94
SUB LX              2   ++V+++  DD 95
SUB LY              2   ++V+++  FD 95
SUB N         7     2   ++V+++  D6 XX
XOR (HL)      7     1   00P0++  AE
XOR (IX+N)    19    3   00P0++  DD AE XX
XOR (IY+N)    19    3   00P0++  FD AE XX
XOR r         4     1   00P0++  A8+r
XOR HX              2   00P0++  DD AC
XOR HY              2   00P0++  FD AC
XOR LX              2   00P0++  DD AD
XOR LY              2   00P0++  FD AD
XOR N         7     2   00P0++  EE XX
Mnemonic      Time Size CNPHZS  OP-Code

[Image: 3c68ce3.jpg]
And when you gaze long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you.
17/05/2007 06:01 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post

17/05/2007 07:02 AM
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keep it together

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Post: #6
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post
(no direct usefulness for me, i had to go to wikipedia to get an idea what the hell that was)
Source: YouTube

everyone sing along:
Our country reeks of trees
Our yaks are really large
And they smell like rotting beef carcasses
And wee have to clean up after them
And our saddle sores are the best
Wee proudly wear womens clothing
And searing sand blows up our skirts

And the buzzards they soar overhead
And poisonous snakes will devour us whole
Our bones will bleach in the sun
And wee will probably go to he-heck
And that is our great reward
For being the-uh ro-yal canadian kilted yaksmen
Double post
gah i was ninja'd
17/05/2007 07:04 AM
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Frolicking towards Zinga

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Post: #7
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post


[Image: 5mmh08.png]
WolfLand, PSP ISO's and Full downloads! Visit now.
Spoiler for Houses Burned Down - UPDATED:
- diego (Your dog was inside your Tibet
- metalgear (That ranch you had in Santa Monica...poof)
- Games like a Grrl (Soon...very soon)
- Senseiseito Sakura (Got your house in the Hamptons...BURN!)
- MehHakker (I hope you didn't leave anyone in your house in Africa)
17/05/2007 07:23 AM
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Post: #8
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post


17/05/2007 07:36 AM
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Frolicking towards Zinga

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Post: #9
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post

Scientific approaches and theories

Where scientists and philosophers converge on the quest for the meaning of life is an assumption that the mechanics of life (i.e., the universe) are determinable, thus the meaning of life may eventually be derived through our understanding of the mechanics of the universe in which wee live, including the mechanics of the human body.

There are, however, strictly speaking, no scientific views on the meaning of biological life other than its observable biological function: to continue. In this regard, science simply addresses quantitative questions such as: "What does it do?", "By what means?", and "To what extent?", rather than the "For what purpose?".

[edit] Science and the five questions

But, like philosophy, science doesn't rest when it comes to asking and answering questions, and scientists have tackled each of the five interpretations of the meaning of life question head-on, attempting to answer each from the perspective of what exists, or in relation to the human being (for which science itself serves), offering empirical answers from relevant scientific fields...

[edit] What is the nature of life (and of the universe in which wee live)?

Toward answering "What is the nature of life (and of the universe in which wee live)?", scientists have proposed various theories or worldviews over the centuries, including the heliocentric view by Copernicus and Galileo, through the mechanistic clockwork universe of Ren

[Image: 5mmh08.png]
WolfLand, PSP ISO's and Full downloads! Visit now.
Spoiler for Houses Burned Down - UPDATED:
- diego (Your dog was inside your Tibet
- metalgear (That ranch you had in Santa Monica...poof)
- Games like a Grrl (Soon...very soon)
- Senseiseito Sakura (Got your house in the Hamptons...BURN!)
- MehHakker (I hope you didn't leave anyone in your house in Africa)
17/05/2007 07:41 AM
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Posts: 443.4972
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Post: #10
RE: Rate the usefulness of the above post
this is so full of spoon  usefulness


(This post was last modified: 17/05/2007 08:18 AM by chinz.)
17/05/2007 08:16 AM
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