Yup SCEE is now hiring Devs to create PSP Minis. If you are a Dev and have a growing company you can register !here! to make official games or Apps for the PSP or PSP Go!.
Rules: are that you are held reasonably for your games and can't have offensive matirial on your games/ apps.
There is also a catch you have to buy the Dev Kits and tools for €1200.
So if you aren't afraid of loosing money to make official games for SCEE then join and see what you can do!
that really is a bit steep if your attempting to catch indie devs...i guess a couple of devs could put together, i can't see anything against it...but still
24/08/2009 06:26 PM
Down with MJ yo
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WOW, I didn't realize the PSPGo, would be able to have apps & stuff! XD
PSN: Brick_Factory
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* necro-, the Greek prefix meaning death
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