None of this would be possible without the hard work of Tyranid of . I cannot thank him enough for being hand-down the most active and dedicated tool developer around the PSP scene. Also it was a pleasure to chat with you over a beer at Breakpoint :-)
So AGAIN, clarification, i did not develop this software, Tyrnaid and a few others did . I just thought it is actually non-trivial to get it working so i d write down my steps for reference. :-)
Yourt mileage may / will vary. Be warned, if you are seeing this and think, hm cool i really want that, and install Linux the first time ever, you do not stand a chance to make this work. The whole tutorial here assumes basic Linux shell skill.
0) FAQ
Q: OMFG Linux is the sux0r, wheres the Wind0ws version?
A: Linux is the better OS for PSP development, no arguments. all the tool chains depend on Linux. At the moment. this hack is primarily aimed at developers, not gamers. However, i think someone will pick this up and produce a Windows tool for it -- i may even do it myself if i have a few spare cycles.
1) What is this HowTo about
Following this HowTo you will hopefully be able to use your PSP without actually looking at it. By deploying the fabulous SVN-versions of PSPLINK and RemoteJoy, you will be able to control your PSP from your computer keyboard, and even view the screen in realtime.
2) Prerequisites
Although this can likely be hacked to work on Windows machines, I mostly use Linux as does Tyranid. Therefore, this guide describes the deployment of the tools needed on a i386 Ubuntu Linux system.
You will need:
an IBM-PC running Linux (tested on Ubuntu 7.04)
a PSP running Firmare 3.40 OE (other versions may also work)
A few software packages
Also, it may be noteworthy that this tutorial does not go into great detail about Linux basics, such as making sure that you have subverison installed, or how to install it.
3) The Howto
First off, install the PSPSDK from the latest Subversion.
Create a new directory somewhere in your home, name it pspdev
Change into it
make sure you have subversion installed
run the following command: svn co svn://
change into the psptoolchain directory and follow the instructions
be patient, this will take some time.
you may need to adjust your PATH as per the instructions, and reopen your shell window
Now lets fetch the latest subversion branch of the psplink package:
go back to your pspdev directory you created in the previous step
run the following command: svn co svn://
change into the psplinkusb directory
(If you have a OE firmware like me) issue this command: make -f Makefile.oe release
If all goes well you will end up with a few new folder, including release_oe
Now fire up your PSP in USB mode
make a new directory under PSP/GAME340 , named "psplink" and another one "%psplink"
copy release_oe/psplink/EBOOT.PBP into the %psplink folder
copy all files in release_oe/psplink into the psplink folder
in tools/remotejoy , issue a "make"
on your PSP, in USB mode, create a new folder in the root, called "joy"
from the tools/remotejoy folder, copy the remotejoy.prx into it
Now on to build the tools on the PC side:
in pspsh folder , issue a "make"
in usbhostfs_pc folder, issue a "make"
in tools/remotejoy , issue a "make"
in tools/remotejoy/pcsdl , issue a "make"
in the usbhostfs_pc folder, run the script and enter your root password
Trying it all out. You will need several terminal windows for this:
on the PC end, go to the usbhostfs_pc folder and run ./usbhostfs_pc
now turn on your PSP and select the PSPLINK app from the memory stick menu
if all goes well, you should see "Connected to Device" in the usbhostfs terminal , and the PSP should go to a black screen
now, in a different terminal, navigate to the pspsh folder, and execute ./pspsh
this should give you a shell on the PSP. try "help" for guidance.
Finally, run the display window for your PC on a third terminal, by invoking "./pcsdl -d -c" in the tools/remotejoy/pcsdl folder
A black wIndow should come up
Now, all the programs are running, but nothing is displayed yet. That is because the remotejoy,prx was not started yet. That's next:
on the pspsh shell, issue the following commands:
"reset vsh"
"ldstart flash0:/vsh/module/vshmain.prx"
"ldstart ms0:/joy/remotejoy.prx"
Now, this is going to give you the Cross media bar, but when you start a game, the relevant modules are unloaded. So , i take it, you want to also run RemoteJoy when starting your homebrew / game. Heres how that works: Wee need to tell the OE Firmware to bootstrap any game with the relevant PRX files. This is configurable in the firmware - heres a quick guide:
(if not already there) on the PSP, create a new folder in the root of your memory stick, called "seplugins"
(if not already there) create two text files into that directoy , vsh.txt and game.txt
into vsh.txt and game.txt , paste the following content: ms0:/seplugins/usbhostfs.prx
Now, from your psplinkusb install , find the prx files (you should know by now where they are) and copy those 4 into your PSP sticks seplugins directory
Start your PSP , holding the R button during boot
in the config dialog, select Plugins
enable the following entries: psplink.prx [GAME]
psplink_user.prx [GAME]
remotejoy.prx [GAME]
get out of the config menu and reboot the PSP
on the PC, start the usbhostfs_pc app and the pcsdl remotejoy app - the black screen should show up.
on the PSP, start the UMD game - the usbhostfs_pc app should show you that PSPLINK is connecting to it, and after a few seconds, the Remote Display should be there.
And now your black window should show you the Game's content. Cool huh?
good luck!
Getting Help:
Please post questions, suggestions and comments on the forum . Please be nice, and notice this is the initial reelase of the HowTo - i need your feedback to improve it.
- diego (Your dog was inside your Tibet
- metalgear (That ranch you had in Santa Monica...poof)
- Games like a Grrl (Soon...very soon)
- Senseiseito Sakura (Got your house in the Hamptons...BURN!)
- MehHakker (I hope you didn't leave anyone in your house in Africa)
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- diego (Your dog was inside your Tibet
- metalgear (That ranch you had in Santa Monica...poof)
- Games like a Grrl (Soon...very soon)
- Senseiseito Sakura (Got your house in the Hamptons...BURN!)
- MehHakker (I hope you didn't leave anyone in your house in Africa)