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Magic: The Gathering (the TCG)
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Storm Trooper

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Post: #11
RE: Site Slow?
^^^ yeah, but who really cares, by the way what the .... is magic? (I'm not that stupid, i know what magic is in the magician way but it sound like you're talking about some game)
06/05/2007 11:24 PM
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Endless Night

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Post: #12
RE: Site Slow?
Magic: The Gathering

It's basically the most popular tcg in the world. (LOL @ popular)

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And when you gaze long into an abyss,
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06/05/2007 11:29 PM
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Peacefully Disturbed
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Post: #13
RE: Site Slow?
I've known how to played Magic for a while but rarely did because I didn't want to spend my money on cards.  At last years PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) I got a couple hundred free cards, and a week later a friend moved to the other side of the country and gave me his 1,500 cards.  I still barely ever play though, I got a free Magic Online account at PAX too but it only has 2 decks and I'm not going to spend money for online cards.

As for the site being slow, I notice it sometimes when I have multiple tabs of the site open.

Edit: Right now it seems to be alot slower than normal though.

I'm not disappointed in you, I'm disappointed in myself, for believing in you.
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Did you park in a handicap spot? - No, I parked in two, I don't want any cripples scratching my car!
(This post was last modified: 06/05/2007 11:35 PM by Peacefully Disturbed.)
06/05/2007 11:31 PM
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Post: #14
RE: Site Slow?
from the time i started playing to the end of highschool, i probably actually made money with magic, from ripping off noobs and stuff, and trading prices at highschool were quite inflated.

Now however, i easily spent more than i made.
07/05/2007 12:00 AM
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Frolicking towards Zinga

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Post: #15
RE: Site Slow?
I never really got how to play Magic. Everything's too complicated and I don't have the patience for it. :p

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- diego (Your dog was inside your Tibet
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- Games like a Grrl (Soon...very soon)
- Senseiseito Sakura (Got your house in the Hamptons...BURN!)
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07/05/2007 01:26 AM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #16
RE: Site Slow?
[Image: 92611109hv5.png]
07/05/2007 01:27 AM
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Frolicking towards Zinga

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Post: #17
RE: Site Slow?
I want one ^^

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WolfLand, PSP ISO's and Full downloads! Visit now.
Spoiler for Houses Burned Down - UPDATED:
- diego (Your dog was inside your Tibet
- metalgear (That ranch you had in Santa Monica...poof)
- Games like a Grrl (Soon...very soon)
- Senseiseito Sakura (Got your house in the Hamptons...BURN!)
- MehHakker (I hope you didn't leave anyone in your house in Africa)
07/05/2007 01:28 AM
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Post: #18
RE: Site Slow?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:[Image: 92611109hv5.png]


uhhhh, i think I'm going to pay 10 and hard cast it O.O

Type 1 Deck: Meandeack ZiNgA BuRgA (lol)

4x Gemstone Mine
1x Underground Sea
1x Bayou
1x Tropical Island
3x Polluted Delta
1x Black Lotus
1x Mox Emerald
1x Mox Ruby
1x Mox Jet
1x Mox Pearl
1x Mox Sapphire
1x Mana Crypt
1x Chrome Mox
1x Lotus Petal
4x Dark Ritual

4x Pact of Negation
3x Emerald Charm
1x Ray of Revealation
4x Chain of Vapor

4x ZiNgA BuRgA's Intervention

4x Serum Powder
1x Ancestrial Recall
1x Time Walk
4x Brainstorm
1x Demonic Consultation
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Entomb
4x Plunge Into Darkness
4x Merchant Scroll

4x Tormods Crypt
4x Oxidize
4x Spoils of the Vault
3x City of Brass

Gives almost perfect (95% i say) chance of victory on 1st turn, otherwise, just mulligan, and then win on the 1st turn.

And also VERY hard to stop, due to the nature of ZiNgA BuRgA's Intervention (uncounterable, co cost, works in both graveyard and hand), thus the only real way to stop is with anti graveyard cards like leyline and tormod's crypt, thus the chain of vapor and emerald charm.

welcome to improve upon the build.

Removed mystical tutor, imperial seal and vampiric tutor, since they don't help towards 1st turn kill, replaced with spoils of the vault.
Reduced the number of lands (1st turn kill doesn't need 14 lands)

removed some fetch cards. don't need 15, put land count back up a bit.

Gave deck new name.

added in serum powder, for friendly mulliganing, removed spoils of the vault (why take risks?), reduced land count.
removed duress (now that i think of it, it's completely pointless in this deck) replaced with dark ritual.

Replaced Force of Will with Pact of Negation.
(This post was last modified: 22/05/2007 07:26 PM by Assassinator.)
07/05/2007 06:23 PM
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Endless Night

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Post: #19
RE: Site Slow?
Assassinator Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:[Image: 92611109hv5.png]

uhhhh, i think I'm going to pay 10 and hard cast it O.O


3x Gemstone Mine
2x Underground Sea
1x Bayou
2x Tropical Island
4x Polluted Delta

1x Black Lotus
1x Mox Emerald
1x Mox Ruby
1x Mox Jet
1x Mox Pearl
1x Mox Sapphire

1x Mana Crypt
1x Chrome Mox

4x Force of Will
4x Duress
3x Emerald Charm
1x Ray of Revealation
4x Chain of Vapor

4x ZiNgA BuRgA's Intervention

1x Ancestrial Recall
1x Time Walk
2x Brainstorm
1x Demonic Consultation
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Mystical Tutor
1x Vampiric Tutor
1x Imperial Seal
1x Entomb
4x Plunge Into Darkness
4x Merchant Scroll

4x Tormods Crypt
4x Daze
4x Ancient Grudge
3x City of Brass

flashback 0 and cycling 0?

Oh lawd.

[Image: 3c68ce3.jpg]
And when you gaze long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you.
07/05/2007 06:35 PM
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Post: #20
RE: Site Slow?
why highlight moxes and lotus? it is a type 1 deck, so they are all legal.

if ur wondering why i put them together, i sorted it into catagories of

>>mana producers
>>combo peices (only combo deck ever that only has 1 combo peice)
>>fetch and draw

Meandeck ZiNgA BuRgA rips Meandeck Tendrils, Worldgorger Dragon (i play this deck, proxying the power 9 and bazaar), 2 Land Belcher and the rest in all the important aspect of a combo deck: speed, reliability of kill, resilience against hate.
(This post was last modified: 07/05/2007 07:12 PM by Assassinator.)
07/05/2007 06:49 PM
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