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MEGA ANIME (5.00M33) - A dliug & vegetano1 mashup!! PLz take time to read this shizzle :-)
Bringing you a brand new experience in PSP XMB!!!
Here is a theme that I spent ages putting together along with the one and only vegetano1
We have spent countless hours testing, tweaking and fixing it!
Get ready to experience V1's new photo filter effect and a fresh main-menu and guess what!?
I decided to include 30 High-Res wallpapers into the 01-12.bmp!!! oh yes.. not 12 but 30!!
This theme is called mega anime cause it doesnt just focus on one anime! it focuses on various animes,
Heck we even threw in a Batman Gotham Knight HD Gameboot taken from the 2008 anime movie!
So what ya waiting for? Check it out!!
Note: selecting system>>theme>>color >> you have to double select a background
Note: selecting system>>theme>>Background >> you have to double select Classic or Original
Note: "Reboot/Power Off" press for Reboot, hold right trigger and press for power off
Note: go to settings and system and then scroll down to mega anime slideshow ;-)
-Main icon, volume bar, sound settings and AVLS in 1 MAIN icon
-"Tinted" meaning a different photo filter effect for each menu
(works with 01-12 and with normal backgrounds)
-all custom submenu icons/folders
-new top bar icons! music. video, helpscreen etc etc
-custom OSK
-Custom battery
-revised music player menu
-All network and PSN options custom menu's and icons
-All control panels custom,.>> Photo, Photo slideshow, music, video, UMD video, camera
-New/revised game icon and loading/broken/unknown/default icons
-New inverted full screen busy icon
-01-12.bmp 30 monthly backgrounds 400x227 resolution!! Scroll down to see how to install
-loads of small adjustments and icons,. theme is 100%
-custom visualizers
This CTF requires CXMB 3.3 to work.
grab it from - http://dl.qj.net/CXMB-3.3-with-5.00-support-PSP-Homebrew-Applications/pg/12/fid/24532/catid/151
read its readme, copy contents to memorystick and enable CXMB3.3 plugin in recovery
go to settings -> themes -> select the theme to install ;) simple!
Using 30 Wallpapers in 01-12.bmp
ok slim users wont have problems with this.. At least they shouldnt :o
for Phat users, I have included davee and bubbletune's slim colors patch in the zip file
unzip it and follow its intructions in its readme file on how to install
once it is enabled via recovery you should be able to use ALL 30 wallpapers :p
Just go to theme and then the color section and you should be able to select 30 BGs.
Make sure to double select a BG if you see a white BG.
and remember if you dont like any of the BGs we put in the 01-12.bmp you can always use your
own wallpapers ;) and the photo filter will still apply, so try it out for yourself!
Note: I included a few more wallpapers in a seperate zip file which were images I had lying around.
I am anti-flash so am not including it in the package. sry..
If you really want to use it you will have to grab ctf manager or something and "Extract" the CTF
Note: Most of the .rco files have been compressed so be careful.
We do not hold responsibility for any bricks caused by flash0 - you have been warned <(^_^)>
Thanks to:-
- Dark Alex for creating the best thing ever which is custom firmware for the PSP
- Zinga Burga for his RCO editor! This tool was really helpful!
- Davee & Bubbletune for their scrambler application. Thanks :)
- and all offset hunters at EP! This theme would not be possible without you!!
- all creators of the wallpapers used in this theme and all the creators of the amazing anime shows!
- the rest that helped and supported us!!
- to you! for downloading this theme and using it!
Comments are welcome on forums/etc :)