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Graphics Rant.
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Post: #1
Graphics Rant.
Man I seriously hate a lot of "GFXers" round these parts, thier work is disgusting and completely over rated people simply suck and don't admit it.. basically the blind leading the blind... and people vote for the content of the sig and not the skill or quality, do not judge a sig by the render/stock alone.

Also I have no respect for most "GFXers" atm, as they are completely spoon.

People who have my respect and should actually use their talent before the fail of others starts infecting their works..

List of the Awesome (in no particular order):
-Mc Cabe

sorry if your not on the list, leme se some of your work and decide differently.

[Image: 17312564gf1.png]
01/07/2008 06:13 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Graphics Rant.
The storm is approaching...

I won't comment on the others (I'm not a GFXer. Why would I step out into the storm). BUT I do agree with this below.

Nacos Wrote:and people vote for the content of the sig and not the skill or quality, do not judge a sig by the render/stock alone.
01/07/2008 06:20 AM
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Post: #3
RE: Graphics Rant.
you're being a little mean to some... i make sigs for the fun and competition and don't really care if no-one votes for me......... i will vote for a sig if it has some good effects in it or if it has been cleverly made...... i do not vote for the render alone

[Image: spideysigcopycopycopy.png?t=1308548347]

[Image: ccandrew.png]

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01/07/2008 06:20 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Graphics Rant.
nah im not including beginners (people who have started in the last 3-5 months) but am people who have been using photo editing programs for years and have no work to prove it.

[Image: 17312564gf1.png]
01/07/2008 06:22 AM
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Post: #5
RE: Graphics Rant.
Assassinator Wrote:The storm is approaching...

I won't comment on the others (I'm not a GFXer. Why would I step out into the storm). BUT I do agree with this below.

Nacos Wrote:and people vote for the content of the sig and not the skill or quality, do not judge a sig by the render/stock alone.

I have to agree with that.....
(This post was last modified: 01/07/2008 06:25 AM by Davis.)
01/07/2008 06:25 AM
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Post: #6
RE: Graphics Rant.
Assassinator Wrote:BUT I do agree with this below.

Nacos Wrote:and people vote for the content of the sig and not the skill or quality, do not judge a sig by the render/stock alone.

I also agree.

However I don't see why I, or anyone else, should have to prove to be 'worthy' of your respect or to be on your 'List of the Awesome' - that's just plain self-concsious of you, Nacos.
01/07/2008 06:30 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Graphics Rant.
Wow that's harsh....

The reason why Photoshop or any other editing program is available to the public aswell as professionals is because people enjoy messing around and having fun. Online GFXing is for fun and isn't supposed to be taken seriously. And yes most Graphics is commercial, but that is the whole point. As long as you like what you've made then you should be happy. I agree that people vote usually for the render or stock but that's life!!!! Stop taking stuff so seriously and lighten up abit. This is the internet and I think most of the people here have other lives and don't just live by the computer. Go and tell people to their face that they suck. Go on. List the people on these forums that suck at Graphics and see how far that gets you. Do you think that anyone is going to stop just because you say that they're spoon?? I'm not the best, but I enjoy what I do. I love art in all forms and I feel I can make what my personality and hobbies are about through photoshop. I hate having to go through school and only be able to do art that is dictated to me:
"Draw from this artist", "Paint this fruit bowl", "stick this down" blah blah blah.
Most of the people who do Graphics aren't artists and maybe can't draw aswell as other people in the real world, so they like making sigs and wallpapers and what not. The internet is about sharing. And I know EP is all about expressing yourself and saying what you think etc, but to generalise people like this and dumb it down to make people look retarded is stupid in itself.

[Image: mvg1hw.gif]
01/07/2008 07:42 AM
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Post: #8
RE: Graphics Rant.
MehHakker Wrote:Wow that's harsh....

The reason why Photoshop or any other editing program is available to the public aswell as professionals is because people enjoy messing around and having fun. Online GFXing is for fun and isn't supposed to be taken seriously. And yes most Graphics is commercial, but that is the whole point. As long as you like what you've made then you should be happy. I agree that people vote usually for the render or stock but that's life!!!! Stop taking stuff so seriously and lighten up abit. This is the internet and I think most of the people here have other lives and don't just live by the computer. Go and tell people to their face that they suck. Go on. List the people on these forums that suck at Graphics and see how far that gets you. Do you think that anyone is going to stop just because you say that they're spoon?? I'm not the best, but I enjoy what I do. I love art in all forms and I feel I can make what my personality and hobbies are about through photoshop. I hate having to go through school and only be able to do art that is dictated to me:
"Draw from this artist", "Paint this fruit bowl", "stick this down" blah blah blah.
Most of the people who do Graphics aren't artists and maybe can't draw aswell as other people in the real world, so they like making sigs and wallpapers and what not. The internet is about sharing. And I know EP is all about expressing yourself and saying what you think etc, but to generalise people like this and dumb it down to make people look retarded is stupid in itself.
* wipes a tear from his eye
01/07/2008 07:44 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Graphics Rant.
its not available or even suggested for home use...

also sensei suck it, your sigs suck the most.

[Image: 17312564gf1.png]
(This post was last modified: 01/07/2008 07:46 AM by Nacos.)
01/07/2008 07:44 AM
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Post: #10
RE: Graphics Rant.
Thank you Nacos for saying I am 'worthy' whatever.

I do agree and I have been saying that before, just in a more settle manner. Yet it will never be 'fair' and all that unless you have like a panel of judges and all but they too have their own opinions. I agree completely that people should rate the art based not on the render/stock but on the content.
01/07/2008 07:48 AM
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