When I use this code: (just a quick example - not actually the file in the pick below...)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
if pad:cross() and current == 6 then
file = io.open("flash0:/vsh/module/vsh.prx", "r+")
file:seek("set", "0x41290")
file:write(" m.B")
PrintCentered(120,"DONE !!",green)
It will directly enter the values in the right box, instead of the left.
(it alters the data in left box but directly enters it into the right box)
This has been a pain, b/c when I enter a "." in the right box, it will come up with a "2E" value in the left box, instead of the desired "00" value...
Is there a way to either:
1) directly alter the data in the left box
2) make a "." entered in the right, show as a "00" in the left box, instaed of a "2E" ??
3) probably the best & easiest solution:
is there code to alter the 32 bit float values of an adrress ??
Here is a screen of the hex editor on PC im using to check my result (just so you know what im referring to with "left box" and "right box"
Thanks again Hibby.
PSP 2001 [TA-088v2]: 6.39 ME-9.7 Sig by Mr_Nick666
(This post was last modified: 22/04/2008 11:44 AM by Mr. Shizzy.)
22/04/2008 11:43 AM
Smart Alternative
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Mr. Shizzy Wrote:It will directly enter the values in the right box, instead of the left.
Just to make things easier, the "left box" is the hex display, whereas the "right box" is the ASCII display.
Don't know LUA, but from what I can tell, it doesn't really have "data types". PHP offers a pack() function to convert things to appropriate binary formats, but it doesn't seem LUA has something similar. (typically, you'd define a floating point variable, and just output that directly)
As for outputting strings, typically the language provides escape sequences for the null (0x00) character (eg \0 in C), but I can't seem to find such a thing for LUA (http://www.lua.org/pil/2.4.html).
23/04/2008 01:49 AM
Mr. Shizzy
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