Welcome to ChaosZero's Anime List: Reborn v4!
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Chaos Zero's Recommendations
Demonbane? I loved it XD
Noein is a great watch!
Speed Grapher is pretty damn good.
Zero no Tsukaima is AMAZING!.
Innocent Venus OWNS YOU!
Latest News:
Fansub Links updated~
Now supporting Haruhi-ism!
Gift ~Eternal Rainbow~ = DaCapo rip? Pretty damn close.
Version 4:
Name That Anime!! - Song Edition launched. Name the Anime the song is from!
Version 3:
Name That Anime!! added. Fan Made
Anime Backgrounds Added aswell.
Version 2:
Fansub groups and
Fan Fiction sites are the newest addition.
Version 1: The new ReVamped version features a
Rating System, as well as
Chaos Zero Quick Reviews!
I'm always looking to add new titles to this list, so please post any you've seen or heard of that aren't here!
Section 1 features a list of either Completed, Watching or Pending Anime Series/OVAs/Movies!
Section 2 features Quick Reviews of the Anime I've completed!
Section 3 features Fansub Websites and Encoding Groups names!
Section 4 features Fan Fiction Websites!
Section 5 features 'Name That Anime' winners!
Section 6 features 'Name That Anime Song Edition' winners!
Section 7 features Fan Made Anime Backrounds!
Section 8 features the PSP-Hacks [SOS] Brigade.
As I remember the ones I've watched, I'll add them. Check back frequently for new Reviews.
If you see a rating you don't agree with, post and tell me what it should be!
If you give a good reason why it should be changed, I may change it.
For now, look at the list to get an Idea of the best out there!
Don't Forget! You can press 'Ctrl + F' (on Windows) and jump straight to an anime's rating or review!
I have tons I haven't added yet. Series are my top priority, but that doesn't mean movies are forgoten.
In addition to the Rating System, I have placed a :) for the ones I liked or :) :) for the ones I really liked.
The list may include short forms or both JAP and ENG titles, so some may doubles.
As I said, I haven't added some, so I'll tell you If I Have or Haven't when you post and update the list.
You will noticed not [i]ALL are rated. Some I haven't finshed, others I didn't remember well enough.
There are also some rated which haven't finished. This is the Up-To-Date rating, which may chang periodically.[/i]
Fan Fiction:
Fan Fiction sites are Fan Made stories to continue the original series.
They may also expand the series by means of side stories, or alternate retellings.
Neon Genesis is one of the biggest subjects, but there are others, such as Kenshin side stories.
It's a new addition, and I hope to have your support to add new sites.
Fushigi Yuugi
Kimagure Orange Road
Memories Off
Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo
One Kagayaku Kisetsu e
Paradise Kiss
Steel Angel Kurumi S2 + S3
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito
.Hack// Sign *** :)
.Hack//Legend of the Twilight :)
.HACK//Roots :)
_summer **
2x2 = Shinobuden
3x3 Eyes ***
3x3 Eyes Seima Densetsu
Ah! My Goddess ****
Ah! My Goddess - Sorezore no Tsubasa ***
Ai My Me Strawberry Eggs *
Aichocolateeru ze Baby ****
Air TV ***
Air Gear ****
Ai Yori Aoshi ****
Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ ***
Agent Aika
Akane Maniax ***
Akira **
Always my Santa **
Amaenaide yo!!
Amaenaide yo!! Katsu
Angel Sanctuary *
Appleseed :) ****
Armitage III
Armitage III - Dual Matrix
Armitage III = Polly Matrix
Asatte no Houkou
BALDR FORCE EXE Resolution **** :)
Bakuretsu Tenshi
Bamboo Blade
Banner of the Stars I **** :)
Banner of the Stars II *** :)
Banner of the Stars III **** :) :)
Battle Fairy Yukikaze ( Sentou Yousei Yukikaze) ****
Battle Programmer Shirase ****
Beyond the Clouds - The Promised Land (Kumo no Mukou - Yakusoku no Basho) **
Black Blood Brothers ****
Black Cat ***
Black Heaven *
Black Lagoon ****
Black Lagoon S2 ****
Bleach **** :) :)
Bleach: Memories of Nobody
Blood+ **** :) :)
Blood: The Last Vampire ***
Blue Flames ***
Blue Gender **** :) :)
Blue Submarine 6 ****
Bokura Ga Ita ***
Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru (I'm In Love With My Little Sister) *
BoogiePop Phantom **
Boys Be **
Bubble Gum Crisis
Burn Up! **
Burn Up! Scramble **
Burn Up! W **
Busou Renkin ****
Buttobi CPU
Candidate for Goddess ***
Candy Boy ***
Canvas 2 **** :)
Chobits ***** :)
Chocotto Sister
Chrono Crusade
Clannad ****
Code Geass ***
Comic Party ***
Comic Party Revolution **
Cowboy Bebop ****
Coyote Ragtime Show ***
Crest of the Stars ****:)
Da Capo **** :) :)
Da Capo Second Season **** :) :)
D.C. II: Da Capo II ***
D.C. II SS: Da Capo II Second Season
Darker than Black - Kuro no Keiyakusha
Dear S ***
Death Note
Del Power X
Demonbane (TV) ****
Demonbane (OVA) ***
Denshin Mamotte Shugogetten OVA ***
Devil May Cry
Digimon Season 1 (Adventure) ***** :)
Digimon S2 (Adventure 2) ***
Digimon S3 (Tamers) **** :)
Digimon S4 (Frontier) **
Digimon S5 (Savers) **
Dirty Pair Flash OVA
Divergence Eve
Divergence Eve - Misaki Chronicle
Dragon Drive
Dragonaut: The Resonance
DNAngel ***
DNA^2 ***
Dokuro-chan ****
Dokuro-chan 2nd Season
Dragon Ball ***
Dragon Ball Z ****
Dragon Ball GT **
Earth Girl / Earth Madien Arjuna **
Eden's Bowy
ef - a tale of memories
Eiken **
Elfen Lied **** :)
Elf Ban Kakyuusei (Kakyuusei Elf Version) (Girl in a Younger Grade) ***
Eureka SeveN **** :) :)
E's Otherwise
Erementar Gerad ****
Ergo Proxy
Escaflowne (Vision of Escaflowne) **** :)
Excel Saga ****
Fafner in the Azure: Dead Aggressor (Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor) **** :) :)
Fafner in the Azure: Right of Left (Soukyuu no Fafner - Right of Left) ***
Fate/Stay Night ****
Figure 17
Final Approach *
Final Fantasy Advent Children **** :)
Flame of Recca ****
FLCL ***
Fruits Basket ***
Fullmetal Alchemist ***** :) :)
Fullmetal Alchemist - The Conqueror Of Shamballa ****
Full Metal Panic! ***** :) :)
Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu ****:) :)
Full Metal Panic! TSR *** :) :)
Full Metal Panic! TSR OVA *** :)
Fushigi Yuugi [Scrapped]
Futakoi ****
Futakoi Alternative ***
Futari Ecchi *
G-On Riders
Gatekeepers *
Gasaraki **
Genshiken ***
Genshiken (2006)
Genshiken 2
Get Backers **
Ghost in the Shell SAC **** :) :)
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence ****
GITS SAC 2nd GIG **** :)
Gift ~Eternal Rainbow~ *** :)
Gin-iro no Olynsis **
Girls Bravo S1 and S2 *** :)
Gokusen **
Goshushosama Ninomiya-kun ***
Gravion **
Gravion Zwei *
Great Teacher Onizuka (G.T.O.) **** :)
Green Green **** :)
Green Green OVA *** :)
Grenadier ***
Guardian Hearts ***
Guardian Hearts Power UP!
Gundam Wing ***** :) :)
GW Endless Waltz
Gundam SEED **** :) :)
Gundam SEED Destiny (GSD) ** :)
Gundam 0083 ***
Gundam 00 ****
Gundam Star Gazers
Gungrave ***
Gun Parade March *** :) :)
Gunparade Orchestra
Gunslinger Girl
Gun X Sword ***
Grave of the Fireflies
H20 ~Footprints in the Sand~
Hana Yori Dango
Hanaukyo Maid Team ***
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite **
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora (Looking up at the Half Moon) ****
Hand Maid May
Hani Hani ~Operation Sanctuary~ ***
Happiness **
Happy Lesson ***
Happy Lesson Advance ***
Happy Lesson Final **
Happy Seven
Happy World
Hayate no Gotoku! ****
Hellsing TV ***
Hellsing OVA **** :)
He is my Master **
Here is Greenwood *
Heroic Age ****
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 2
His and Her Circumstances (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou) ***
History`s Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Hitsuji no Uta ***
Honey and Clover
Honey and Clover II
Hoshizora Kiseki **
Hunter X Hunter
Ichigo 100% **** :)
Ichigo 100% OVAs *** :)
IGPX - Immortal Grand Prix **** :) :)
Iketeru Futari **
Ikkitousen ***
Ikkitousen Dragon Destiny
Initial D First Stage **** :)
Initial D Second Stage *** :)
Initial D Third Stage (Movie) *** :)
Initial D Fourth Stage **** :)
Initial D: Extra Stage *
Innocent Venus ***
Inukami! ****
Inukami! The Movie
InuYasha **** :)
InuYasha Movie 1 - Affections Touching Accross Time **** :)
InuYasha Movie 2 - Beyond the Looking Glass **
InuYasha Movie 3 - Swords of the Honorable Ruler *** :)
InuYasha Movie 4 - Fire on Mystic Island *** :)
Iriya No Sora, UFO No Natsu ***
I"s Pure **** :)
Izumo Takeki Tsurugi no Senki ***
Jigoku Shoujo
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade ***
Juuousei ***
Kage Kara Mamoru *
Kakyuusei Elf Version (Elf Ban Kakyuusei) ***
Kakyuusei 2 (Girl in a Younger Grade 2) ***
Kami-Sama Kazoku ***
Kannazuki no Miko ***
Kanon **
Kanon (2006)
Karin **
Kasimasi ~Girl Meets Girl~ [Scrapped]
Kaze no Stigma ***
Kaze no Yojimb
Kenran Butoh Sai The Mars Daybreak *** :)
Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken **
Kimagure Orange Road [Scrapped]
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (KgNE) **** :)
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (KgNE) ~Another Season~ **** :)
Koi Kaze ***
Koi Koi 7 **
Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo
Kono Minikukumo Utsukushii Sekai (This Ugly and Beautiful World) **** :)
Kumo no Mukou - Yakusoku no Basho (Beyond the Clouds - The Promised Land) **
KURAU Phantom Memory
Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora
Kyou Kara Maou
Kyou no Go no Ni (Today in Class 5-2)
Lamune (Lemonade) *** :)
Last Exile ****
Lemonade (Lamune) ***
Le Portrait de Petit Cossette
Lime Iro Senkitan ***
Looking up at the Half Moon (Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora) **** :)
Love Love (Koi Koi) *
Love Hina ***** :) :)
Love Hina Again **** :)
Lovely Complex
Lucky Star
Maburaho **
Mahoraba: Heartful Days **
Mahoromatic ***
Mahou Sensei Negima **
Macross (all)
Macross Frontier
Magikano ***
Mahou Shoujotai
Maison Ikkoku
Mai Hime (My HiME) ****
Mai Otome ***
Makai Senki Disgaea
Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!
Mamotte Shugogetten ***
Mars Daybreak
Martian Successor Nadesico**** :)
Martian Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness***
Master of Mosquiton
Melody Of Oblivion
Memories Off [Scrapped]
Mermaid Forest **
Mezzo Danger Service Agency
Midori no Hibi **
Mizuiro OVA2
Mouse ***
Murder Princess
Myself; Yourself
Nagasarete Airantou ****
Nanatsuiro Drops ***
Natsuiro no Sunadokei OVA 1-2 ***
Naruto **** :)
Naruto Shippuuden **** :)
Narue no Sekai **
Natsuiro no Sunadoke OVA
Negima?! ****
Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) ***** :) :)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth ***
Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion ****
Night Wizard
NHK ni Youkoso ***
Night Head Genesis
Nodame Cantabile
Noein **** :)
Now and Then, Here and There **
One Kagayaku Kisetsu e [Scrapped]
Onegai Teacher (Please Teacher) **** :) :)
Onegai Twins (Please Twins) **** :) :)
Okusama Wa Joshikousei ***
Okusama Wa Mahou Shoujo ** [Srapped]
Otome wa Boku ni Koichocolateeru **
Ouran High School Host Club ****
Owtlaw Star ****
Pale Cocoon ***
Paradise Kiss [Scrapped]
Patapata Hikousen no Bouken
Peace Maker Kurogane **** :)
Peach Girl
Persona ~Trinity Soul~
Phantom the Animation ***
Photon *
Pita Ten *
Plastic Little
Platinumhugen Ordian **
Please Teacher (Onegai Teacher) **** :) :)
Please Twins (Onegai Twins) **** :) :)
Pretear [Scrapped]
Psychic Academy Aura Banshou **
Pokemon Season 1 **
Pokemon Season 2 *
Project A.R.M.S. ***
Ragnarok The Animation
RahXephon **** :) :)
Raimuiro Senkitan ***
Raimuiro Sekitan ~Southern Romance Story~ ***
RAY: The Animation ****
Read or Die (RoD)
Record or a Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
Rental Magica
Rizelmine ***
Robotech ***
Rosario + Vampire ***
Rozen Maiden
Rurouni Kenshin ****
Real Bout High School ***
Saber Marionette J ***
Saber Marionette J Again **
Saber Marionette J to X ***
Saber Marionette R ***
Saikano ***
Saint Beast
Saishuu Shiken Kujira ***
Sakura Diaries **
Sakura Wars
Samurai X
Samurai Champloo ****
Samurai Gun **
Samurai Seven
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei ****
Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Sazuka **
School Days ****
School Rumble **** :)
School Rumble Second Semester ***
S-Cry-ed ***
Scrapped Princess
Seikai no Senki (Crest of the Stars) **** :)
Sentou Yousei Yukikaze (Battle Fairy Yukikaze) ****
Serial Experiments Lain (LAIN) ***
Seto No Hanayome ***
Shadow Skill
Shadow Skill: Epilogue
Shadow Skill: Kuruda-ryuu Kousatsu-hou no Himitsu
Shakugan no Shana *** :)
Shakugan no Shana The Movie ***
Shakugan no Shana II ****
Shaman King **
Shingetsutan Tsukihime *** :)
Shining Tears X Wind ***
Shinkon Gattai Godannar **
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica ***
Shuffle! **** :) :)
Shuffle! Memories **** :)
Shura no Toki ***
Sister Princess
Sister Princess Repure
Sola **** :)
Solty Rei
Soukou no Strain ***
Soul Hunter
Soul Taker
Sousei no Aquarion ****
Sousei no Aquarion OVA ~Wings of Betryal~ ****
Sousei no Aquarion OVA ~Wings of Glory~
Speed Grapher ***** :) :)
Spice and Wolf
Spirited Away ****
Steam Boy ****
Steel Angel Kurumi S1*** :)
Stellvia [Scrapped]
Strait Jacket
Sumomomo Momomo ***
Sunabouzu (Desert Punk) ***
Tactical Roar
Tactics ***
Tenchi Universe ***
Tenchi GXP **** :)
Tenchi in Tokyo ***
Tenchi Movies ***
Tenchi OVA 1 ****
Tenchi OVA 2 ****
Tenchi ni Narumon
Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Tenkuu Danzato Skelter Heaven
Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi
They are my Noble Masters ***
Tenshi ni Narumon
The Twelve Kingdoms
The Melancholy of Suzumia Haruhi *** :)
This Ugly and Beautiful World (Kono Minikukumo Utsukushii Sekai) **** :)
Tide-Line Blue ***
To Heart ****
To Heart ~Remember My Memories~ ***
To Heart 2 **
To Heart 2 OVA ****
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
Tokimeki Memorial: Only Love
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou ****
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou Tou Dai Ni Maku
Tokyo Underground ***
Tokyo University Story **
Touka Gettan
Triangle Heart ~Sweet Songs Forever~ ***
Trigun ***
Trinity Blood ****
True Tears
Tsubasa Chronicle **** :) :)
Tsubasa Chronicle - Second Season *** :)
Tsukuyomi Moon Phase *** :)
Tsuyokiss ***
UFO Princess Valkyrie ****
UFO Princess Valkyrie Seiresetsu no Hanayome ****
UFO Princess Valkyrie: Juunigatsu no Yasoukyoku ****
UFO Princess Valkyrie: Toki to Yume to Ginga no Utage ***
Ultimate Girls *
Urusei Yatsura
Usagichan de Cue! **
Utawarerumono ***
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Vandread **** :) :)
Vandread: Second Season **** :) :)
Vision of Escaflowne (Escaflowne) **** :)
Voices of a Distant Star **
Wind - A Breath of Heart ****
Wind - A Breath of Heart OVA ***
Wings of Rean ***
W -Wish- ****
Witch Hunter Robin (WHR) *** :)
Wolf's Rain ***
X **
Yakumo Tatsu
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito [Scrapped]
Yoake mae yori ruriiro na - Crescent Love ***
You're Under Arrest!
Yumeria **
Zegapain ****
Zero no Tsukaima ****
Zero no Tsukaima II **
Zeta Gundam
Zettai Shonen
A 2 part OVA, spaning only 1 hour, 10 seconds.
What it anout? It's an outragous comedy/Romance/Ecchi tale about a dull high school kid.
I shoul mention one thing... all the jokes are sexual in nature!
I doesn't stop with the laughs though, if you can put up with the played out 'Banana' jokes!
But it's also an anime which includes too much 'Fan Service' for it's own good.
Other then the laughs, I found little enjoyment in the story or Characters.
Characters?! Find me a grade 6 with a freaking FFFFFF+ bra size, Or any of the characters for that matter!
This OVA just misses the Hentai line, not by much though!
Love Hina has a simular plot, but is carried out
much better. I'd recommend it instead.
For only the jokes, I give Eiken
2 stars. **
Final Approach
Full Metal Panic!
What can I say? FMP! was and still is one of my all time favorites.
Take a kid who's been fighting in wars all his life and stick him in the middle of a High School in Japan.
Better yet, make him guard a popular girl.
Clueless in both women and teenage life, Sousuke makes every mistake in the book.
FMP! combines High-Speed Mech action with High School Romance and a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
If there's one thing Sousuke is good at, it's providing us with a laugh everytime, or piloting his Mech!
From the producer of Hellsing and Vandred comes on of the best animes I've ever seen.
Obviously, I give Full Metal Panic! 5 stars. *****
Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu
Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu is based off a side-story manga of FMP!
Instead of following the Mech battles and the mysterious 'Wispered'
(people who are born with the knowledge of Black Technology sub-conciously)
FMP! Fumoffu focuses on Sousuke and Chidori's high school days.
What makes it even more funny is the guest stars from Mythril!
Of course, because this is a side-story of the original Full Metal Panic!,
you must watch FMP! first. Those of you who have already watched FMP! and liked it,
you'll like this aswell. How the hell could you not like Sousuke's Compat Suit?!
For FMP! Fumoffu's story, art, and CONSTANT laughs, I give it
4 stars. ****
Full Metal Panic! TSR
Full Metal Panic! TSR OVA
The FMP! TSR OVA follows Tessa as she looks for... her Fumoffu doll.
Yes a doll. But don't get me wrong, like most of FMP!, it's humor is undieing.
It's a side story of TSR, following up on an episode where Tessa goes to Mao's room to talk.
After that, many events happens, and Tessa must trace them all back in order to find her doll.
Of course Kurtz, Sousuke and others, like Urzu-1, are also there.
The OVA was pointless... But great!! I love FMP, and this OVA doesn't change my mind.
I'll give it 3 stars, but it could easily make 4.
3 stars. ***
Futari Ecchi
Futari Ecchi is a anime about a newlywed couple... The only thing is both are virgins!
It follows them as they learn new things, and techniques.
Sounds like a Hentai, doesn't it? Well, as the title says, it's all ecchi.
Things like bananas and cut-off shots are used to avoid anything truly graphic.
All in all, it was funny, but nothing great.
And a little too close to hentai, pusing the bounderies of Ecchi.
I'd have to give Futari Ecchi
1 star. *
Great Teacher Onizuka (G.T.O.)
Happy Lesson/Advance/Final
I"s Pure
A 6 part OVA.
Very well planned out story.
It's about a guy who likes a girl and they star getting really close, thn his childhood friend shows up.
He has to make the decision of who he like more.
Hellsing Ultimate OVA
For those of you who watched the Hellsing TV series and wanted more, the Ultimate OVA delievers.
Based on the Hellsing Manga, the first episode shows exactly what Hellsing is like, Bloody and Entertaining.
If you like Gungrave and the Hellsing TV series, you'll love this.
Hell, even if you just love Vampires doing crazy things with guns, this is definatly worth checking out.
Hellsing Ultimate OVA recieves
4 stars. ****
Pictures from absoluteanime.com
Kage Kara Mamoru
Koi Kaze (Love Wind)
I have officially finished Koi Kaze (aka Love Wind) and lets just say.. not really one of my recomendations.
Similar plot to Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru... Has a deeper message I know... But damn is it had to stomach!
If you can get past the 'Incest', which many have, It's a very heart-warming story, filled with it's ups and downs.
Even if you feel like you want to kill the main character, you may find yourself enjoying calling him a 'dumbass'!
For the Art, Story and of course opinion, I have upped my 2 star review to
3 stars. ***
Pictures from pixel.dynalias.net
Love Love
Mermaid Forest
Wow. It is different.
This guy is immortal, and basically he saves this other girl, who is also immortal, and they begin traveling together.
There are a bunch of episodes that are flashbacks and stuff.
But here is the coolest part:
As the time goes forward in the anime, the actual animation gets better and better.
From when it starts, it looks like something made in 1995, but when it ends, it looks like 2000.
The blood also increases as the series goes on from blood stains on shirts to an all out blood bath, like Elfen Lied (actually, it looks a lot like the Hellsing OVA style) in the last episode.
That part of it was very interesting. The rest, not so much.
2 stars outta 5.
Narue no Sekai
Tokyo University Story
Tsubasa Chronicle/Second Season
Tsukuyomi ~Moon Phase~
Ultimate Girls
Vandread and Vandread: Second Season
Typical story. War breaks out, Mechs are built, kid sneaks onto a military starship. All normal anime occurances, right?
What if I said the enemy was the whole female race?
Based in a galaxy in the future, the story follows a young boy as he discovers the wonders of space... and girls.
Oh. I forgot to mention the alien race bent on destroying Mankind as a whole.
When Men and Woman are force to team up after years of seperation, things are bound to end up going wrong.
Vandread has a bit of everything: Mecha, Comedy, Romance, Action, Adventure
It's funny as hell to watch, with a decent story. I highly recommend it.
4 Stars. ****
Pictures from neogurus.net
Very good watch, though a little "trippy" at times. 4 out of 5 stars.
More reviews on the way! I'm aiming for a new one everyday!
For the anime section, some of those aren't even trackers, they are just the groups' site.
Here's the list I compiled.
[a.f.k.] a.f.k. Fansubs (Tracker)
[AonE] Anime One /
AonE: Got Woot?
[AtwO] Anime Two
[a4e] Anime 4 Ever
[A-E] Anime Empire
[A-F] Anime-Fansubs M.I.A.
[AF-F] AnimeForever-Fansubs
[A-Kraze] Anime-Kraze
[ex] Anime Explosion
[AHQ] Anime Head Quarters
[Arienai] Arienai Fansubs
[ASH] Anime Shrine
[donkey] Anime SkyScraper - M.I.A.
[a-s] Anime Supreme
[AnY] Anime Yuki
[Ayako] Ayako Fansubs
[ayu] AYU Anime
[ax] Anime X-treme
[Bakakozou] Bakakozou
[C1] C1 Anime
[DB] Dattebayo
[Doremi] Doremi Fanubs
[Eclipse] Eclipse Productions
[E-D] Exiled-Destiny
[Froth-Bite] Froth Bite
[Hell-Fansubs] Hell Fansubs
[Himitsu] Himitsu-Fansubs
[KAA] Kick donkey Anime
[KnKF] Kaze no Koe Fansubs
[Kyuu] Kyuuketsuki
[L-E] Live Evil
[Lunar] Lunar Anime
[mahou] Mahou Fansubs
[M-F] Manhole Fansubs - M.I.A
[Megami] Megami Fansubs (Tracker)
[Mendoi] Mendoi Fanubs
[Nanashi] Nanashi Fansubs
[orz] ORZ Fansubs
[S-F] Shining Fansubs - M.I.A.
[SS] Static Subs
[Solar] Solar Fansubs
[Suck] Wee Suck Fansubs
[Triad] The Triad Fansubs
[Wind] Wee are IN Denial Fansubs
[WF] Wannabe Fansubs - M.I.A
[yesy] yesy Fansubs
[Your-Mom] Your-Mom Fansubs
[zx] Zhentarim DivX
Websites to be added shortly!
Neon Genesis Evangelion: R
Round 1: Joe88 with Naru from Love Hina.
Round 2: killaj with the Dog from Full Metal Alchemist.
Round 3: killaj with RahXephon.
Round 4: dookie with Tetsu from Peace Maker Kurogane.
Round 5: dookie with Dunan from Appleseed.
Round 6: dookie with Hellsing Emblem from Hellsing.
Round 7: No Winner! Full Metal Panic.
Round 8: Joe88 with .Hack//Sign.
Round 9: Joe88 with AirGear.
Round 10: No Winner! Anime was Strawberry Panic!
Round 11: No Winner! Anime was Air.
Round 12: Dookie with Bleach (woots)!
Round 13: killaj with Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu.
Round 14: FamilyGuy with InuYasha.
Round 15: Joe88 with Elfen Lied.
Round 16: Silent Ninja with Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Round 17: Joe88 with Naruto.
Round 18: No one with I"s Pure
Round 19: dookie with Ghost in the Shell.
Round 20: No one with Gundam SEED.
Round 21: No one with School Rumble.
Round 22: No one with Mahoromatic.
Round 23: killaj with Macross Zero.
Round 24: Joe88 with Zero no Tsukaima.
Round 25: Joe88 with Tuyokiss
Round 26: Joe88 with Honey and Clover II
Round 27: killaj with Blood+
Round 28: No one with Inukami.
Round 29: No one with Steel Angel Kurumi.
Round 30: No one with Fafner of the Azure.
Round 31: No one with Soul Link
Round 32: Joe88 with Speed Grapher.
Round 33: Dookie with Initial D.
Round 34: Cryton with Ah! My Goddess.
Round 35: FamilyGuy with IGPX - Immortal Grand Prix.
Round 36: Joe88 with Eureka SeveN.
Round 37: No one with Blueseed.
Round 38: Joe88 with Sorcerer Hunters.
Round 39: Joe88 with Tonagura.
Round 40: Joe88 with Demonbane.
Round 41: Joe88 with Noein.
Round 42: Joe88 with Sousei no Aquarion.
Round 43: Joe88 with Grenadier.
Round 44: Joe88 with Bakuretsu Tenshi.
Round 45: Cryton with Ergo Proxy.
Round 46: No one with Starship Operators.
Round 47: Joe88 with RAY: The Animation
Round 48: No one with Tokyo Underground
Round 49: Joe88 with Vision of Escaflowne
Round 50: Joe88 with Aichocolateeruze baby
Round 51: Joe88 with Yoake mae yori ruriiro na - Crescent Love
Round 52: Joe88 with Bosou Renkin
Round 53: Joe88 with Dancougar - Requiem for Victims
Round 54: killaj with Code Geass
Round 55: SanzioSan with Kanon (2006)
Round 56: No one with Saint October
Round 57: ttly11 with Hayate no Gotoku!
Round 1: Killaj with Full Metal Panic! (
Round 2: SanzioSan with Air Gear (
Round 3: SanzioSan with Naruto (
Round 4: Dookie with Full Metal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala (
Round 5: No one with Tsubasa Chronicle Second Season (
Round 6: No one with Tactical Roar (
Round 7: No one with Busou Renkin (ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_lYLSdL6_A)
Round 8:
Round 9:
Round 10:
Round 11:
Appleseed Created by: ChaosZero
Peace Maker Dark StarField Created by: Chaos Zero
Peace Maker Blood Alt. Created by: Chaos Zero
Peace Maker Dark StarField Tetsu version Created by: Chaos Zero
Peace Maker StarField Tetsu version Created by: Chaos Zero
Joe88 - Leader
Chaos Zero - Co-Leader
[Name] [Rank]
Games like a Grrl - First lieutenant
Dravas - [SOS] Brigade Member
Cryton - Esper-in-Training
PS31791 - Combat Waiter from the future wearing manly bunny ears member
Anti-poo poo - Ultra Detective
SkyDX - Dragon of SOS
t3rr0rm4g3 - Talking Kitty rAWR!
Kitsunisan - Master Chief
Haruhi-ism Supporters
ANY comments of Suggestions please post.