Pirata Nervo Wrote:EDIT, i don't know how to install it through Update Manager, i can't find any mpu files in your pack =|
EDIT EDIT, I upgraded manually and i got this message when running the upgrade script:
Upgrade successful!MySQL error: 1163
The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns
Query: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mybb_plaza_temp` (`tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `template` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (tid)) TYPE=HEAP
Appears to be an issue with MySQL not supporting BLOB fields in HEAP tables... >_>
function db_insert_rows($table,$rows,$check_all=false){global$db;// if checking all, see if less than threshold value
if($check_all&& count($rows)<4){// just use normal insert
foreach($rowsas$row)$db->insert_query(MY_TABLE_PREFIX.$table,$row);return;}if($check_all){foreach($rowsas$row){foreach($rowas$fdname=>$data)if(!isset($fields[$fdname]))$fields[$fdname]=$fdname;}}else{$fields= array_keys(reset($rows));}$insertsql='';foreach($rowsas$row){if($check_all){$insertsql.='(';foreach($fieldsas$field){if(isset($row[$field]))$insertsql.='\''.$row[$field].'\',';else$insertsql.='\'\',';}$insertsql= substr($insertsql,0, strlen($insertsql)-1).'),';}else$insertsql.='(\''.implode('\',\'',$row).'\'),';}// remove trailing comma
db_write_query('INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.$table.'('.implode(',',$fields).')
VALUES '.substr($insertsql,0, strlen($insertsql)-1));}
db_write_query('INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.$table.'('.implode(',', $fields).')
VALUES '.substr($insertsql, 0, strlen($insertsql)-1));
you wrote TABLE_PREFIX.
You wrote TABLE_PREFIX again, so the actual code will be localhost.prefix_prefix_tablename.
that means nothing, I already fixed that line of code on my forum (i was getting a mysql error because of that).
I removed the TABLE_PREFIX from the userformatting.php.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: rebuild_settings() in /home/www/cbthome.freehostia.com/temp_8f427efcfead9a8d15061bc206c452ec.php on line 175
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rebuild_settings() (previously declared in /home/www/cbthome.freehostia.com/inc/plugins/hltg.php:112) in /home/www/cbthome.freehostia.com/inc/plugins/myplaza.php on line 39
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rebuild_settings() (previously declared in /home/www/cbthome.freehostia.com/inc/plugins/overview.php:958) in /home/www/cbthome.freehostia.com/inc/plugins/myplaza.php on line 39
I can't even get into my Plugin Manager
that's not good my site is bead :(
hade to delete the inc/plugins/myplaza.php
(This post was last modified: 25/12/2007 02:04 AM by .:ʕΘЯg@nʔ:.™.)
your problem is simple, go to temp_8f427efcfead9a8d15061bc206c452ec.php, hltg.php and overview.php and edit the function rebuild_settings on each file (just change the name) don't forget to Find/Replace the old name with the new one in the rest of the file.