You're OVERCLOCKING with a STOCK COOLER and playing CRYSIS!?!?!
I wouldn't be surprised if its damaged your hardware here feinicks... you can't try to do spoon like that with stock coolers!!
haahaa! you're completely missing my point! its been like that since the day I got it. Plus, like squee I have three fans stock + 1 custom added! Like I said.. its never gone up this high before, so its prolly the windows...
I have played crisis like 6 times without any trouble. Actually, 50c is considered pretty normal. check this...
I'm pretty new at talking here. >>;; But I know what I'm talking about...
You said you JUST installed it to your system?
It's probably doing what you would do when you break in some new shoes.
It's getting used to the fan. It was testing it, and such.
It's nothing to worry about.
Try tuning down the settings once more on Crysis.
Either that, or you might have hardware faulty when you went to go install this fan.
Try getting a better graphics card too.
SLI yourself some GeForce 8800's.
I'll tell you man, It's gonna be a big change in your wallet. xD;;;
But well worth. >:3
24/04/2008 07:15 AM
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50C is really nothing to worry about - my CPU (Athlon64 X2 4200+ (s939)) idles at around that temperature. Generally, you should start worrying if it gets to around 70C.
As for crashing - have you overclocked (or lowered timings of) your RAM? If so, try reverting to defaults - pushing RAM too far typically causes crashes.
Also, for CPU usage, check Task Manager - is there some application which is hogging your CPU?
25/04/2008 03:32 AM
One day... we Fly...
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