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3.30 OE-A Released!!
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3.30 OE-A Released!!
Its been a while now but DarK_AleX finnaly released 3.30oe-a  :yipi:

-no more popsloader =[ but may be fixed on the next update
-Corrected Bug which could make unstable your PSP after having put it in day before.
-protection added to prevent sony updates.

Quote:3.30 Open Edition Revision A

Wee give you, initially, the original version of Lisez-moi.txt and the rough file. In a few minutes files RTU (ready to uses) with the complete tuto will follow.

Instructions of installation:

- Copy oeupdmaker and oeupdmaker% towards /PSP/GAME/ if you are into 1.5, or towards
/PSP/GAME150/ if you are in 3.XXOE or 2.71SE. Download the updates 1.50
and 3.30 of Sony (of any area, because they are all the same ones),
and copy them in the repertory oeupdmaker with like name 150.PBP (for the 1.5) and 330.PBP
(for the 3.30)

Launch oeupdmaker on your PSP, it will generate a file DATA.DXAR. It will check at the end
the integrity of the file, you can also check it by you even with these checksums:

CRC32: A0723B56
MD5: DEBFC0488D088C384021231814514DA9
SHA1: 7AB9A6928BD08E26F9BEB18C3A2314AD0C745964

- Copy 330oeflasher and 330oeflasher% towards /PSP/GAME/ if you are in 1.50, or
towards /PSP/GAME150/ if you are in 3.XXOE or 2.71SE. Copy the DATA.DXAR obtained previously,
and stick it in the repertory 330oeflasher.

By safety your battery must be charged with more than 75%, you can nevertheless
to pass this control while supporting on L+Triangle during the loading of the program.

Changes since the 3.10OE:

- Update of the firmware of 3.10 towards 3.30
- Corrected Bug which could make unstable your PSP after having put it in day before.
- Protection added in order to prevent the firmware from launching a module of update

Note concerning POPSLoader: It does not function on the 3.30 OE, because Sony has
once again changed the list of module of pspbtcnf_pops.
(Thank you in Sony to have once again destroyed my compatibility with the old versions)
I would make a new version to support all the versions of POPS (emulator PSX in the 3.XX) for 3.30 OE, 3.10 OE and perhaps 3.03OE-C

+ side
   volume bar works
   battery & loading icons work
   custom waves work
   custom MAC address work
   can play psx games
   custom xmb sounds
   custom topmenu now works

-source psp-gen

Attached File(s)
.rar  330oe_a.rar (Size: 224.07 KB / Downloads: 232)

[Image: IxStyleZ.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 16/04/2007 04:27 AM by ix_stylez.)
15/04/2007 01:49 PM
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Messages In This Thread
3.30 OE-A Released!! - ix_stylez - 15/04/2007 01:49 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - gsmoke - 15/04/2007, 01:55 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - xBu - 15/04/2007, 02:01 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - fhqwgad_n4tiv3 - 15/04/2007, 02:13 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - ix_stylez - 15/04/2007, 02:08 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - hosh - 15/04/2007, 02:24 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - beaner2k6 - 15/04/2007, 02:50 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - -J0kR- - 15/04/2007, 04:19 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - Ryu - 15/04/2007, 03:00 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - joey2k8 - 15/04/2007, 03:30 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - ZiNgA BuRgA - 15/04/2007, 03:38 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - ix_stylez - 15/04/2007, 03:50 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - Shady - 15/04/2007, 03:41 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - El Xando - 15/04/2007, 03:43 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - hosh - 15/04/2007, 03:47 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - Guest - 15/04/2007, 03:49 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - El Xando - 15/04/2007, 03:58 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - ix_stylez - 15/04/2007, 04:30 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - Mr. Shizzy - 15/04/2007, 05:41 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - |-Anubis-| - 15/04/2007, 06:02 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - Ge64 - 15/04/2007, 06:11 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - YoYoBallz - 15/04/2007, 06:29 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - juan2320 - 15/04/2007, 06:33 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - |-Anubis-| - 15/04/2007, 06:33 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - gsmoke - 15/04/2007, 06:40 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - Sparker - 15/04/2007, 08:23 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - beaner2k6 - 15/04/2007, 07:25 PM
RE: 3.30 OE-A Released!! - Scorch - 15/04/2007, 10:02 PM

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