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RE: Issues at PSP-Downgrades
I probably won't, well, at least not for a while. I'm certain that p0Wer and RaiderX have nothing against me - they seem to understand the joke, and I don't mind what they do back to me.
What's totally inappropriate is belly0fdesire - he's a total pocky, especially considering that it's not his site. Not only did he insult me directly in his thread, he directly insulted two other mods, Chaos Zero and PSdonkey, claiming that they have "weak minds" and dismissing their point of view completely, as if his opinion is greater than anyone else's.
Oh, and he also said the site, PSP-Hacks:
belly0fdesire Wrote:this site is getting worse and worse every time i log on...
Oh poo poo, I'm going overboard again :( I'll stop now, it's ended.
Thanks a lot for the nice comment, Games like a Grrl :)
29/01/2007 01:17 AM |