i beat the game like a half hour ago and i wrote a basic FAQ.. not a wakthrough.. i found the game rather easy.. the puzzles are really easy if you look at the clues.. here maybe this might help a little..
Spoiler for "My FAQ":
~Basic Silent Hill Origins FAQ~
by AzumiUehara / Azu-mi
1. Don't use the flashlight and alot of the monsters will ignore you but some will still attack though.. most of the game is not that dark so you shouldnt need it
2. Run.. unless your going for the 200 kill prize or the other enemy related prizes then just run specially when out in the street
3. Look everywhere!! this game has tons of items and weapons so look everywhere
4. i don't know if its a stamina glitch or not but if just hold down the run button they won't catch you... even when your running really slow.. i never got caught
Heart Cooler Puzzle (Hospital)
Body Part Puzzle (Hospital)
Intestines - Stomach - Liver - Heart - Lung
Doll Puzzle (Sanitarium)
1. razor blade doll - red pill
2. burned doll - blue pill
3. dress doll - yellow pill
4. skinny doll with long arms - green pill
5. knife wielding doll - blue pill
LightBulb Puzzle (Theater)
a. 500W
b. 125W
c. 700W
d. 250W
Wash Machine Puzzle (Motel)
1. Insert Coin
2. Low Spin (circle with one dit in the middle)
3. 60 degree wash (water bucket with 2 dots)
4. Drain (square with water and arrow pointing down)
5. Pre-Rinse (square with 3/4 circle and 1 dot)
Rotary Calander Puzzle (Motel)
from gamefaqs
1. Savior - Beat the game the first time.
Secret Item - Lonely Moon Gauntlets
2. Butcher - Get the bad ending
Secret Item - Great Cleaver
Hint - In order to get the bad ending, it must be in your second playthough and up. During so you must kill more then 200 enemies.
3. Ambassador - Get the UFO ending.
Secret Item - Tesla Rifle
Hint - To get the UFO, it must be in your second playthough and up. You'll find a key on top of the staircase in an ally north of the Hospital near the beginning of the game called "Room 502 Key" where you will use in the motel.
4. Stalker - Have Flashlight on for less then 10,800 seconds (3 hours)
Secret Item - Night Vision Goggles
5. Collector - Collect more then 300 items
6. Sprinter - Beat the game in less then 7,200 seconds (2 hours)
Secret Item - Well not a special item, but with the costume equipped you'll never get fatigue.
7. Sharpshooter - Kill 75%+ of all enemies with firearms
Hint - Get the UFO ending and use the Tesla Rifle (since it has infinite ammo)
8. Weaponsmith - Kill 75%+ of all enemies with melee weapons
Hint - Use the Lonely Moon Gauntlets, Fire Axe, or Great Cleaver since these weapons have infinite durability.
9. Brawler - Kill 50%+ of all enemies with only your fists
10. Cartographer - Looked at map less then 25 times
11. Explorer - Distanced walked (or ran) greater then 22,500 m (22.5 km)
12. Daredevil - Beat the game without saving
13. Fireman - Rescued Alessa in the beginning in less then 80 seconds.
Secret Item - Fire Axe
Hint - Just time yourself and not bump into any fire or getting lost, and if you fail just restart the game since it's right at the beginning.
14. Codebreaker - Do the Konami Code during your second playthough or up.
Hint - it's up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, X, O. If done right you'll hear a chime