Post Reply firmware request
for anything and everything firmware 5/5.5generation
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Able One

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Post: #1 firmware request
I recently have been doing Google searches for the what seems like a lost community of iPod modders. Once shut down everything was lost. I was wondering if anyone had any firmwares for 5/5.5g iPod Videos? I have a few firm-wares but am missing MANY I lost my stuff a long time ago and am looking for anything and everything. I modify iPods with custom themes I make myself and if someone could help me find these firm-wares I'm missing I'd be eternally grateful. Please if you have any information on the matter reply and inform me of where to find these files. It was once a booming community I intend on reviving it as my iPod is by my side always.

All glory comes from daring to begin.
[Image: GmxEFn5.png]
µMadeItWeaves (Weebly)
14/01/2017 01:42 PM
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Messages In This Thread firmware request - BigDaddyWeaves - 14/01/2017 01:42 PM

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