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[PSP] Rcomage v1.1.1 - new RCO manipulation tool
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Post: #316
RE: [PSP] Rcomage v1.1.1 - new RCO manipulation tool
Ok, this talk now is taking us to the vsmx format, i didnt wanted to suggest big changes to don't request too much things to you (like the one i made in the previous message about parsing the gim settings from rcomage to gimconv)
My purpose was more to advise you of some small details, and i think i tolk about all in my previous messages

The next things are related to vsmx format, and the decoding/decompiling but some can be considered big changes that needs some work, and im not so sure if you are interested in vsmx after i realized only exists inside rco's from PSP UMD's
As far i know there are no vsmx scripts inside PS3 rco's... but are used inside PS3 coldboot.raf (the animation when the PS3 boots), and inside dynamic themes .p3t (the animation displayed at background of the theme)

The official tool to compile the vsmx scripts is named raf_script.exe is part of the "raf_compiler" tools from the sdk and is included in all the theme tools able to compile dynamic PS3 themes
Raf tools uses the fileformats .js (the plain "playstation javascript" code) and .jsx (the same file after encoding in vsmx format)
The .jsx is created automatically as an intermediary step of the process to compile a .raf file in a folder named "tmp"... and then raf_compiler.exe creates the .raf file with the .jsx inside
The easyer way to compile a .js thought... is simply by drag-and-drop the .js file over raf_script.exe, this generates a .jsx file with the same name

This is useful to know because is posible to use the classic method of test-error to compile multiple .js scripts until you have an exact match with the original .jsx (this way you can be 100% sure the .js is perfect)

I used the output of rcomage vsmxdec (and --decompile) as a start point to decompile PS3 coldboot.js
The first problem is PS3 scripts are VSMX format v2.0 (PSP only supports 1.0, right ?)
Rcomage crashes with PS3 scripts... because the vsmx format 2.0 has some additional opcodes specific for PS3

So i took your files and tryed to complete the missing "playstation javascript" code and errors in my coldboot.js by hand using the test-error method explained before with raf_script.exe and making lot of bynary comparisons with the original coldboot.jsx to see where was located the errors
At the same time i imagined this method could work (it took me some time to imagine and a week of tests) a friend named ada realized the official names of ALL the opcodes is inside the raf tools
So first wee made a table in wiki with all the official opcodes names and all the opcode names you used in rcomage to compare them and make some sense of all (also by doing this wee realized the new opcodes added in vsmx format v2.0 specific for PS3 are located at bottom of the table)
The opcode table is here, you can replace the opcode names in rcomage by the officials :)

The full decoding (with official opcode names) and decompiling (to "playstation javascript" format) of PS3 coldboot.jsx i made is in the same page at bottom
What i did was to make a list of all the opcodes used, and the decoding line by line, all together (because is much better to have all the info in the same place for tests)

Some weeks later, another friend named TizzyT (the same that helped me to find the last javascript statements in my adventure with the manual decompiling) decided to make a tool to decode and decompile the vsmx files named "jsxviewer"
I suggested him to send some changes requests to your git but he is a vs coder and prefered to start from scratch in vs to have more freedom, you can download jsxviewer from this link (is still in beta because it has some missing opcodes)

I helped him to make the tool, suggestions, betatest it, etc... and it uses a format similar of what i was doing displaying all the info about decoding and decompiling all together in a .txt
This .zip contains an example of:
The original PS3 coldboot.jsx script (extracted raw from coldboot.raf)
-The decompiled .js (ready to compile again to .jsx, it should result in a file exactly like the original .jsx). Created by jsxviewer.exe
-A .txt file with all the decoding + decompiling info all together. Created by jsxviewer.exe

This is mostly a resume about things related with vsmx, if you are interested in it wee can talk about wich opcodes are critical for PS3 support
If you try to decompile the coldboot.jsx in the .zip with rcomage you will realize there are some opcodes easy to fix that are the responsibles of the crashes in rcomage when trying to decompile it (specially what sony calls "vectors" that are simply arrays using the characters < and >)
(This post was last modified: 25/04/2015 06:27 PM by sandungas.)
25/04/2015 05:04 PM
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RE: [PSP] Rcomage v1.1.1 - new RCO manipulation tool - sandungas - 25/04/2015 05:04 PM

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