[WIP] YoY0's GTAV Sight Seeing & Special Activities
YoY0's GTAV Sight Seeing & Special Activities
So now that I have been playing GTAV for a few (4) days now I thought it would be fun to put together and list of sights and special activates you can partake in / see. It has been a long time since I have made a good informational video game thread lol. As I am not done with the game or story lines this list shall be of things I have already found in the game myself - so this list is not complete and most likely poorly written :P So keep that in mind please.
As I advance in the game, and as new activities become available - they will be added to the list.
Are these ALL the things you can do in Los Santos? No. I have not added them all yet and will most likely not post them all. As I advance in the game, and as new activities become available - they will be added to the list. This thread will change and be updated often so please check back. Do you know something to do in LS that I do not have in the thread ? please post it and I will add it! Is there ways I can improve the thread? please let me know. I do plan on adding pictures of said locations on the map to better help players find some of the things listed in this thread. Did I make a typo / am completely wrong about something is this thread? Well there is a very good chance that-that is the case as the game is new and very little info can be found about it online so I am sure I have made mistakes - don't grill me on them, please point them out and wee together can fix it :)
If any EP member wanted to help improve this thread and or write entire new section that would be tit sauce as I would love to make this thread better in any way I can.
Spoiler for GTAV Sight Seeing and Special Activities:
www.southernsanandreassuperauto.com (can buy vehicles and bikes)
www.epsilonprogram.com (player may comment on site)
www.bawsaq.com (Stock trade)
www.fleeca.com (bank / creadit card site - no access)
www.lcn-exchange.com (Liberty City stock exchange)
www.accept-the-chaos.com (religion group site)
www.lennyavery-realty.com (realty site - will show player in game properties that can be bought with detail)
www.mydivinewithin.com (weird faith site - has free analysis test)
www.chainsofintimacy.com (weird book site)
www.kungfurainbowlazerforce.com (website of the TV show kung fu rainbow lazer force)
www.dr-friedlander.com (the website of Micheal's shrink)
www.sixfguretemps.com (site to help people find work - has a quiz)
www.thepowcleanse.com (Diet website)
www.thealtruists.com (a website written all in binary - might have to do with the alien conspiracy going on around LS)
www.jockcranley.com ( Jock Cranley's campaign site)
www.monettaryscience.com (a site for investing money to stay safe after nuclear fallout - has investment calculator)
www.bedevinweston.com (Devin Weston's self help site)
www.toeshoes.com (a shoes website)
www.princessrobotbubblegum.com (website of the TV show Princess Robot Bubblegum)
www.suemurry.com (campaign site of Sue Murry)
www.ammunation.com (website of Ammu-nation - can buy weapons online)
www.cultstoppers.com (website of the cult stoppers group)
www.whokilledlenorajohnson.com (website about Lenora Johnson, who was killed in LS in 1975)
www.proposition208.com (website of prop 208 for legalizing cocaine)
www.sanandreasdmv.com (DMV website of San Andreas - has a test)
www.elitastravel.com (can buy aircrafts)
www.republicanspaceranger.com (website of republican space ranger - has video)
www.cashfordeaddreams.com (spoof site for cash for gold)
www.taco-bomb.com (website of the restaurant chain Taco-Bomb)
www.appropriteassociates.com (site for hiring professional party guest)
www.yourdeadfamily.com (spoof of family tree sites)
www.bankofliberty.com ( bank of liberty site)
www.lifeinvader.com (facebook / google spoof) (has a "wall" of friends that actually gets updated)
www.electrotoke.com (electric crack pipe site - spoof of electric cigs)
www.bleeter.com (twitter spoof website)
www.ministerinminutes.com (become a minister in mins! - has a sign up form)
www.lossantosfreegans.com (a group that plans on eating all the food rich people throw away lol - has map of "hotspots)
www.egochaserenergybar.com (a energy bar website - has map of all LS triathlons)
www.stopspendingyourmortgage.net (a website telling you to stop paying your mortgage)
www.warstock-cache-and-carry.com (a website where you can order military grade vehicles)
www.righteousslaughter7.com (website of righteous slaughter 7 the video game - has video)
www.fruitcomputers.com (website of ifruit, a Apple spoof company)
www.yournewbabysname.com (a website for helping you chose a name for your baby)
www.hammersteinfaust.com (law firm site)
www.abstinentamerica.com (website of prop 14 for bringing back prohibition)
www.himplantsenhancentsurgery.com ( website for male plastic surgery )
www.grainoftruth.com (website for gourmet foods)
www.preservexskincream.com (website for skin cream)
www.lossantoscustoms.com (website of los santos custom - able to modify vehicles and find LSC locations)
www.toiletcleaneronline.com (website of the toilet bowl cleaner people of LS use to get high)
www.universaluniform.net ()
www.legendarymotorsports.net (website for buying exotic cars - cars can be delivered to garages)
www.vinewoodloglinegenerator.com (can actually generate your own movie!)
www.iwillsurviveitall.com (government downfall site)
www.sawaterandpower.com (website of san andreas water and power companies)
www.beseecher.com (a spoof website of kickstarer)
www.fameorshame.net (website of fame or shame the TV show - has video)
www.proposition43.org (a website for outlawing nuclear families - has test)
www.shallowco.com (website of a clothing store)
www.classicvinewood.com (classic move site,
www.creditcardconsolidationkings.com (credit card website)
www.junkenergydrink.com (website of junk energy drink)
www.theinternetisahellhole.com (anti internet website)
www.docktease.com (a website to buy boats)
www.manopauseadvaentures.com (a website for men with "menOpause"
www.maze-bank.com (website of Maze Banks)
www.hushsmush.com (website spoof of match.com but more.. naughty)
www.fabienlaroucheyoga.com( Micheal's wifes yoga teacher )
www.jackhowitzer.com (website for Jack Howitzer and his TV show - has video)
www.therealitymill.com (website of the TV show The Reality Wheel)
www.bullsharktestosterone.com (website for bull shark testosterone?
www.childernofthemountain.com (a self bettering group - or a cult..)
www.psychicshoutout.com ( a psychic website - has a free reading app you can interact with)
www.vanillaunicorn.xxx (a xxx site or sorts - the website for the strip club vanilla unicorn)
www.minotaurfinance.com (a investment and finance site)
www.pandmcycles.com (a site to buy bicycles)
www.marryweathersecurity.com (marry weather security's website)
www.myroomonline.com (myspace spoof website)
<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
(This post was last modified: 22/09/2013 09:33 AM by YoYoBallz.)