Vacui Natale
Too Small to Fail
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RE: Iron Man 3 Signature
(12/05/2013 11:43 AM)No1sy B0y Wrote: deal with it. :)
Deal with it? Lol, it's your sig. Also, what Sensei and Heartless said.
Anyway, I don't understand why you make these threads, and reject every bit of criticism that could help you improve. No one is saying, "LOL! YOUR SIG SUCKS!" people are actually giving you helpful critiques, and you keep making excuses again:
"I found the render at that size." «--Fix it.
"I can't fix it." «--Why not?
(12/05/2013 11:43 AM)No1sy B0y Wrote: Who cares if it squashed. Do you care? cause I don't.
That's another thing. If you don't care enough to improve your work, why the hell do you keep making sigs, and then posting threads showcasing them-- expecting people to just sit back and marvel at your work?
12/05/2013 12:37 PM |