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Anime you've watched that you don't think many other have.
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RE: Anime you've watched that you don't think many other have.
(25/11/2012 02:56 PM)eKusoshisut0 Wrote:  Whoa mate. those 2 are literally the most well known anime around.

Considering the people I'd know IRL anything that hasn't aired in adult swim would be considered obscure to them but going by MAL statistics I'd say Variable Geo but that's probably because it's pretty old and terrible Hihi

yes i did say that i haven't watched much anime let alone anything obscure but if i was to go around people i know most people would have never heard of them

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25/11/2012 03:15 PM
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RE: Anime you've watched that you don't think many other have. - andrewcc - 25/11/2012 03:15 PM

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