(19/08/2012 08:47 AM)asurabp Wrote: mess with gameboot.pmf
Anyway, Bazz, here is what to do.
First you want to look into how to make a pmf file, there are plenty of help threads around to help you.
So from this point, I'll assume you have a gameboot.pmf file ready to use.
You want to get hold of either CTF Manager by Red Squirrel, or CTF Tool by Patpat.
These two neat little programs can extract the contents of a CTF file, and also recompile them once you've finished changing stuff.
Once you have extracted the contents of your CTF file (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SELECTED THE CORRECT FIRMWARE), you then want to navigate to the folder where your extracted files are. Go to the folder called VSH. Then go to the folder called resource. In here are all the rco files, the background colours file, and of course, our gameboot.pmf file. Simply replace the gameboot.pmf file with your desired one.
It's not quite done yet though.
Next you need to acquire Zinga Burga's RCO Editor (awesome little program). Open up RCO Editor and open up the opening_plugin.rco file (which is in the same place as your gameboot; the resource folder inside the VSH folder. Once opened, you'll see four options at the top of the editor. Go to the one called Anim Data. Scroll down about a 3rd of the way down until you see a line that looks like this:
anim_gameboot_movie @ 0x32BC
In that little section, you will see three lines called delay. It is the very bottom one that you need to edit, as this controls the length of the gameboot. So make sure you know how long it is. If for example it is 4 seconds long, you would start by changing it to 4000. 4500 for 4 and a half seconds etc. I say start because you will undoubtedly have a few trial and errors getting the gameboot length bang on and thus smooth. (What I mean is, once you have gone through this and tested your gameboot, you'll probably want to do this again and change the length by a few milliseconds to get it perfect).
Once you have changed this value, simply click off rco edit (once you make the change, it will automatically save this). Then go back to your CTF Manager or Tool and create the CTF file (AGAIN, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SELECTED THE CORRECT FIRMWARE).
And from here, you can start to look into other changes that you can do with RCO Editor. Changing the gameboot is just a tip of an iceberg. :)