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RE: Japanese Vs English dubs
(09/12/2011 10:18 PM)Tetris999 Wrote: Personally I liked it that they would attach the -kun -senpai to the english names because it would remind you of what the differences are in english and, it wasn't so bad as some people make it out to be. English dubbing like this keeps the culture intact while allowing people to enjoy the source material without having to look down every second to see what the characters are saying.
I disagree. Honorifics are just a very small part overall - you'll lose a lot more in other places.
IMO, just keep it to natural English. Yes, you lose some culture related stuff, but that's always a given anyway.
Perhaps one of my biggest gripes about dubs and official translations (subs) is their fear of putting in translation notes (makes it look unprofessional?). Some jokes, for example, simply cannot be translated without some explanation - fansubs will probably point it out, but US DVD releases usually won't.
Also some Japanese voices sound very weird when they try to get American VAs to mimic (eg high pitched female voice) - I'd probably prefer a more natural sounding voice there To be honest.
But I generally prefer dubs.
09/12/2011 11:02 PM |