Do you still use Google search these days?
I've pretty much stopped using Google now. I find I generally switch between
DuckDuckGo and
DuckDuckGo seems to be based of Bing search primarily, but does have some nice additions, like Wikipedia/WolframAlpha stuff at the top.
Scroogle seems to be just a more private version of Google, although it seems to lack some of Google's features. Useful for when Google returns more stuff than Bing.
Just found
Ixquick which looks pretty nice and probably better than Scroogle, plus has image search. Will need to try it out.
I've also noted some other search engines, some even giving out small payments for using them (though you'll probably only make $1 after like 10,000 search maybe).
I only use Google these days for:
- location based searches (ie find stuff in local area, since Google adjusts results depending on where you are)
- Google translate and cache, since I can't find any other service as good
And of course, their various other stuff, like Youtube, GMail etc, mainly asking about their search.