Existential Entity
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RE: How to run ur own app, from an xmb icon?
(18/10/2011 04:07 PM)nickxab Wrote: hmmm...if you want to run an app from the x-radar portable the you must use x-radar portable's the way do you have all of them in your XMB ?
I do have the sfo from x-radar portable, but it just doesn't work. As I said earliar that it does boot but ends up in an error -_-
And yeah I do have all of them in my XMB, I hex edited my dycripted vshmain.prx (6.60) from a tutorial from TSENEDA. BUT there is a problem with it as well -_-
I get all the icons in the extra catogery, but not all of them work all the time.
When I have my psp in normal region (my psp is a european) [Comic Reader, DC Comics, and x-Radar also work]
In Japan region [1seg also works]
In Korea region [T-DMB also work, but 1seg doesn't]
I think all these problems occur because the prx is not compressed, and by the way is there a program that compresses a prx?
AND yeah thankx for all the replies
19/10/2011 10:00 AM |