Oh man. I feel like there's some sort of parallel world out there, with another legendary trainer, only moving at a much more exaggerated pace than I.
Time to deliver Justice, I suppose.
The best way to deliver justice is by air. And the best way to do that is to FLY. And strike me down if Natu wasn't ready to evolve at time of catching; how about that.
Now I can jump from town to town without all the blasted running.
Feel the wind in your hair-hat-thing, the sun on your not-bicycle-lycra-covered-skin, the high-atmosphere bug-types in your teeth.
Time to go make a booty call of the posterior-kicking kind.
To come in, obviously. I wouldn't ask otherwise.
What do you know. ARCHIE, pirate captain and moonlighting submarine-jack. Like a lumberjack, but he cuts down submarines, not trees.
But, where?
Yes, I just asked you that. Where. Did. He. Go?
Well, I was kinda hoping you would. I mean, man; I was at your wedding, bro! I was your best man! Your kid calls me "Uncky Sig"!
So. It turns out that the AQUA guard doesn't have a kid, or indeed, a wife. Judging by his reaction, he hasn't even gotten to... uh... third base? I think that's the friendly sex stage. I wouldn't know, relationships that go beyond spontaneous sex with reporters isn't really my field of "Expertise".
Good thing I'm a crazy good guess at where submarines live. I did probe the hell out of some parts for one, after all.
Gabby wanders off, not paying me any attention. Either I managed to shellshock her that one time so hard, she's got PTSD, or she's done it so much that even the position I did isn't anything special.
You think that's hard? Try performing when your pocky's out.
But this is how I always look. Apparently, hairhats are in.
Well, I guess that old guy going on about a deep chasm wasn't fibbing.
Oh, not more ancient pokemon. I've already seen one... uh... today, I guess. It just occurred to me that the sun has never set since I arrived in Hoenn.
Stealth Pirates!
Dawg, dem bitches be jackin' yo submersible, bro.
Oh, so not Stealth Pirates, then. Huh, that was dumb.
It's like Blue's Clues, all over again, jesus chris.
I could probe your skull for you, see if I can find a brain. (He's been told at least once, most people catch on faster than this.)
Sigh. It's like nobody can do anything without me. Next thing you know, I'll be getting HMs for helping old people find misplaced dentures or something.
Sigmund in da house, bizatches.
As the pirate-submarine-jack natters on, I note that he has already cut down the submarine and it is ready to be sailed.
I think that's an insult, assuming I'm on an intellectual level like MAY's. I am clearly sophicsitated.
An evil laugh, and off they sail.
Oh, please. Do keep up. They're doing something with an old pokemon.
You will never guess what's happening, then.
Agreed. With the intelligence of a grapefruit, you'd get
cheesed. That's creaming, only it takes a lot longer.
Now, I think wee can go inside the base. If not, I will be serving knuckle sandwiches.
I arrive in the destination town.